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Our Bear

3 visits in one day 2.30am - demolishing deck, feeders 5.30am - finishing off the demolition and then pulling off deck gate 8.30pm - walking round the house trying to get back on the deck then next evening He came back - climbing up and over the deck rail (which is 6ft to base of deck and then the rail of 2ft ) looking straight us, paws over, face on deck ..  wow - no pics this time - also it would have been bloody amazing - we had to scare him off - house is a no-no

2nd visit 9 months later !  - snow prints etc

3rd visit May 2019 - seen trying to climb the deck & ran off own the canyon - no pics

4th Visit July 20th 2019 Visit & demolish feeders :)

5th Visit July 25th 2019 - demolished rose bush and chicken wire!

6th Visit 29th June 2020 - 1.30am, I awoke to Barney barking madly at the patio doors, I then heard scurrying down the deck, put deck light on - all feeders on the deck and empty - all in tact - no clue how I missed this being asleep - stupid - or he was really quiet - so happy he's still around :)

Multi Visits in July '20 ::
He has been on the deck 4 times in the past few weeks, graceful guy and very gentle with everything - no damage to anything at all. he takes down the feeders, not pull and force and bend everything like previous years, so I'm thinking this is a different bear this year - he's young, scrawny too,
The craziest one was him opening the garage doors, straight to the chest fridge freezer (walking by my Jeep) both doors were open at the top - a box of eggs devoured, a pack of butter and then the lower freezer draw (where we keep the steaks) opened, weren't too sure if anything was gone as all the steaks wee there but Alan realized a few days later that his pack of Beer Brats were gone! so bloody funny. I did clean out the fridge - huge muddy paws everywhere - all glass shelves in place too - his guy is so gentle its crazy then after the fridge raid, he got one of the 4 trashcans we keep in the garage. trash bits everywhere - looks like he walked over the corvette (under cover luckily) onto the 6by and sat and had a smorgasbord - and I never heard a thing - nor the dogs!

6th September '20 - Awoke quite quickly this morning at 4am (late for me so lay-in!) yay go me - I was sitting on the loo at the time in zombie mode and a TN flare and heard a crash on the deck. my bear was here! (the one night I forget to bring the feeders in ) by the time i got to the window/deck he was below with the rewards of his deck hunting, I went onto the deck carefully and there he was there looking at me with a feeder in his paws ... I left him to it and as it was so early and dark I wasn't going to do flash photography :p

so cool and so happy he's back

14th September '20
An early night visit, around 9pm. As we were watching a movie I heard a scuffling on the deck, quickly put the deck lights on and there he was climbing bak down the deck from the feeders , we both went outside and watched him go back down the canyon , he stopped and looked back at us but he didn't come back so he didn't get his bounty. He's getting so big too :)

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