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Champ  - Born  2001

Sire - Joe

Dam - Rose

Champ (originally Champagne) was born in 2001 and I was there the day he was born and Jean taught to me imprint , holding them, touching legs, head, stomach and doing this daily till you can introduce a halter, where they smell and touch it so they become used to it , then i touch them with it building up to it on their face and after a few sessions place over nose as if going to put it on, repeating the action then gradually each time move it to where you can place it on their face and head and first time that happens, take it off  and repeat the session. Always leave it on a positive so they know what's expected - ok back to Champ!

His parents are Joe and Rose , both papered horses, so he's special! well he knows he is! I bonded with CHamp from day one and worked him daily to the stage of riding him confidently. The times when Alan came to Jean's aswell, he was instantly drawn to him. His personality is so friendly and cheeky.
When we had decided to buy our own ranch, Alan was not excepting the person who was going to buy Champ at all - neither did I (he was one of the reasons I had to leave being with Jean - utter douche) So Alan decided to buy Champ

Now we had 4 horses ( we already had Shoshoni and Tinker by this time )
Champ is brilliant to be around - he's protective, wants to help with everything we do on the ranch and loves his cuddles too. He's a total delight to ride , he does try it n sometimes with refusing to move once you're in the saddle, but he's go well tempered and gentle with novice riders, which we are. Even Mikel rode him but preferred Dakota as she's laid back and plods. Champ likes to go (once he has that in his mind)

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