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MAY 2001 - 9th NOV 2010

a.k.a The Muppinator!

muppet with shoe.JPG

Well, he had to have a page , seeming as he was a huge part of our family and also leading to the name of our ranch and our physical address!










Muppet was a Chocolate lab / Springer mix and he came into our lives July 2001 . We had been in America for a month. Alan came over to the cabin from the office and in his hand was a small bundle of brown with a white star down his chest . Alan asked me if I wanted to keep him,  as one of his crew, Glynn's dog, Sophie had some puppies and they needed a home. Derr silly question really, soon as I saw him... he was mine!


Muppet was born up in the mountains in Glynn's camp, he raised on meat and beer ! So a bit of detox required! (and newspapers laid down everywhere) and you could never leave a drink on floor, especially a can all of his life!
Where ever we went, so did Mup. We did make a mistake of leaving him one afternoon while we were living on Sheep Mountain Ranch - we came back and our video collection was destroyed and chewed up! He did not like being left alone  - ever! He was not a dog - he was a member of our family
. Even our trips back to the UK were hard on him. He wouldn't eat, total depression and separation anxiety - even if we put his bed in the truck. he knew where we were going and promptly peed everywhere and shook uncontrollably. Since then I have vowed never to leave him or any of my dogs ever. It's never done. Even when I went college a few hours a week, he came too, always with me 24-7 for 9yrs , no matter where, he was there with me.

Muppet got his woof at 5 months old, we were going into Laramie and passed a gas station that has a huge green plastic dinosaur (Sinclair) one minute he was yipping, then this big woof took over, that scared him so he barked even more . Hysterical when his voice broke!

He was loyal and such a character  -  we didn't realize how protective he was until one night at a local baseball game, one of our friends was having a loud comical argument with a friend of hers. Muppet's heckles went up and he started growling and barking at the man , he really got his woof on! And when Alan and I played fought, he would jump between us and sit facing Alan protecting me but never mean or heckled -  his personality was comical and amazing.

So many stories and memories from early years of the 'peanut butter treatment' when the kids were young  -  to the ultimate birthday cake situation! ( These will be in the photo montage below and described!) 

Muppet sadly passed away in November 2010, he was only 9.

Jay made his urn with our friend's Tana and West for him, his ashes are inside with his collar - Jay made sure it went inside , as he hated taking his collar off!

I still cry alot about this day and remember it vividly, the guilt will stay with me too .

Muppet will always be a huge part of me personally and our family. So in his memory I named the ranch and our physical address - He would have loved this place. I miss him every day. Even with my 3 puppies now, which I adore and Barney is very close to Muppet's personality which is amazing  :)

click to enlarge / scroll , descriptions added

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