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Writer's pictureClaire

2023 landed with all mojo at full speed!

And Xmas is put away for another year - Dozer was not impressed with this whatsoever.

It was a brilliant Xmas, Jay drove up from Tonopah and stayed 4-5 days - well in-between snowstorms luckily and we flew Alan's Uncle Rich over from the UK for a month and Alan did manage to get a few days off before the phone started ringing all over again When Alan went back to Tonopah , Rich and I did some genealogy together and with the weather and his Acute Bronchitis we stayed indoors most of the time . I did get a trip out for him and we went to Laramie's territorial prison - with the history of holding Butch Cassidy and had a lovely walk around the museum and all of the artifacts and stories of each prisoner that was held there


and throughout all of his month here it snowed nearon every day , meaning i was in the jcb being extremely busy making snow trenches , Rich even experienced an arctic blast system too .. its now the end of January and the snow is a daily occurrence , so much snow this year and Rich even experienced his first Arctic Blast , now it is now the end of January and there has been fresh snow nearly every day but luckily on Jan 23rd it stopped for a couple of hours

(more of Jan 23rd below) The snow is still a daily constant and my snow trenches are getting higher - which is not helping with them filling in again - and I am running out of places to dump the snow now , without getting my JCB stuck in the process.

Today (26th) the 55mph winds started and the track that was pretty and clear last night is now filled in to about 3.5ft level all the way round to the barn , i tried to clear but winds were fighting against me and putting back what I moved , it's going to be this weather till Saturday which then when the winds stop I can start clearing it all again - luckily the horses are in and have enough hay/water till i get down there at some point today - altho porridge may not happen for dakota and Champ


Before Alan went back to work he got the Honey-Do list completed and the main one was finally putting up one of the huge wooden flags up - plus rearranging a few pictures around it - the other one will go up outside . He bought these when he went to Kansas and Dori's SGT ceremony and an ex -vet made and sold these of various sizes - we got 2 large - utterly stunning


I will be starting a page for the whole renovations and installment !

My Xmas present was due to arrive on Dec 23rd but it went delayed / backlogs / then eventually missing and suspected stolen. I was on the phone and email daily with the freight company , chewing their asses out trying to locate my amazing gift , which will also mean a full bathroom renovation

Then finally on January 23rd The clawfoot made it to the final destination , the laramie North Park Trailer depot i had spoken to a few times as he was keeping me updated on when it showed up there.. The manager delivered the clawfoot himself in the back of his pickup , and was a star and helped / guided me in the JCB to get it out of the bed and turn and place and turn it into the garage and I can still get my jeep (and double covered) and my 6by into the garage .. perfect On 24th Our friend Russ came over as planned and we discussed the bathroom renovations

(the renovation planning and design is done , just to execute probably when a decent gap in the weather as I have to use JCB to try get it onto the deck maybe so they can get it thru the door to bedroom - which does need to have door taken off and possibly frame.. NOW I'M EXCITED! ... the rest of this story will have it's own page !


Little bit of me time and my hair. After years of growing it from a grade 1 , only DIY trims for the past 22yrs , enough was enough of dull I've been following a stylist/colorist Brad Mondo and watching videos and decided to cut my hair - it was getting boring . All one length and no oomph. So I followed his wolf cut shag video - it worked - all layered, then I cut in some curtain bangs - I still prefer fringe - didnt work as well, but i razor cut them a bit and seems it worked a little better .. now its shaggy, my natural wave has kicked in and I hadn't put my hair back since I did it either. I was thinking of growing the grey out and go down to undercut(s) and then bald but im loving this style too much so nahhhh not yet . plus i've always played with my hair and color since age 13 so why stop now at nearly 55! Joan Jett versus Maggie Phibin hahaha Plus using his products now too :) sucks I'm black/blue dye all over as his color products line is outstanding - but i've not bought correct products for my hair since KimVo in 2011 so repair shampoo/conditioner/repair mask serum and styling serum - can't wait to start

Well, I think that's it for now ... just busy with snow for now till probably May!

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