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Writer's pictureClaire

Alan home & Hay Part 1

Friday 2nd Alan came home after being 3 weeks away - he hung around in Dubois (ID) waiting for hay to be cut & baled from his friend Greg (fellow Geo) in Sheridan (WY) so he could bring a load home with him By Thursday it was cut but not baled so he decided to come home. 3/4 of the way home he got the call that it was baled. Ugh. nope!

Huge thanks to Alan's friend, Doug, for letting borrow his big goose neck trailer :) I had 2 cottage pies made by the time he got home and by the time he woke up the next morning - Fresh Cookie Bars just out of the oven!) So Sunday morning Jay arrived at 7.30am to come look after the dogs for the day, and Alan & I went to Sheridan. I had already done Alan's sarnies & food and all the drinks we needed and cycled track before 7am! (I cycle the track 3 times every morning at 6am, hopefully I'll build up to more laps soon) Jay normally goes but a few weeks ago Jay got an wrist injury at work and has been in a support cast - after ER, Xrays and specialist he has a strained wrist and nerves - workers comp time!) So I went and hoped I could do what I could - I was a beast before spine surgeries with haybales! :) and we've been small small bales from Greg since 2011 when we bought the ranch After filling up with Diesel in Laramie I drove the two hours , past The Virginian in Medicine Bow ( NB :: from the famous book & movie of same name. Every time Alan's Mum came to visit and we were out this way, we stopped and took her inside. She loved it there and one time after a trip to Saratoga Hot Springs, we went inside and we had a meal as a treat for her too) I drove past the Wind farm (I love these machines) and we swapped over in a rest area . Alan then did the remaining leg passed Casper to Sheridan to Greg's place We got there around 1pm Greg drove the truck and trailer round, I was on the trailer and Alan walked beside and put bales on and I stacked . but after 2hrs in the heat and humidity I was starting to feel funky - so while the boys went down to the lower field I sat in truck with AC on to cool down and slow heart rate . When those were bought up and stacked on we strapped everything down and we left just after 4pm. the drive back always takes longer due to the weight but this time the extra challenge of 360 Tstorms . Most of you know what happens to me in Tstorms! We only lost one bale surprisingly. Alan drove from Sheridan to the rest area . I took over from there to Medicine Bow - just to give Alan a break but with the storms and also the oncoming headlights I had to stop. We got home around 9.45pm , we didnt take it to the barn like we normally do, Alan reverses it in, we unhitch and leave till next morning before unloading. we were both knackered plus the lights in the barn are out and we didnt have much rain here so it was fine. Its now 8.30am next morning, the sun is out, winds are picking up so the bales are drying. So when Alan is awake and coffeed up we'll take it to the barn. Im already for bed as I haven't slept yet! next weekend (maybe) we'll be going to my friend Rich in Centennial , to get 20 of the large bales (7'x3') but need to hire equipment for that one ... (Click an image, it enlarges with descriptions - then scroll, there's more pic than shown )

oh and my wrens are doing a 2nd brood too!!!

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