All started last week while he was away working. He bought back hot pepper jelly from y'UK and asked me to find some here .. pfft, as if - I know a challenge when I hear one! , so while he was away in Idaho .. I made him a batch ! (never tried before) Using 4 red capsicums, 4 jalapenos, honey, sugar, apple cider vinegar and pectin - dah-dahh. I didn't taste it because I can't do spicy at all . So all jarred, chilled then wrapped & hid the box in my Jeep! His birthday was today and by 5am I was making the cheesecake - from scratch, no packet anything, bar the digestives for the base! Cream Cheese & Sour Cream, I also got a punnet of blueberries, raspberries & raspberries for the top - I should have left that as a side or put on before serving tho His birthday meal was Shepherd's Pie (not a cottage pie, that's ground beef - how people mix those up is beyond me - Shepherd's looked after sheep duhhh!) Anyhoobie, I made 2 of those and served with steamed fresh veggies for him! (I'm still on liquid foods since April) He had 2 servings of both! me - well I had a small serving of cheesecake ..but the main thing was a bottle of Chianti , so the chef got her reward! :)
Thank you to everyone who sent him birthday wishes