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Writer's pictureClaire

B303S - End of an Era

Updated: Jun 9, 2019

Sadly, I wanted to let you know that as of Sunday 30th June 2019, I will be closing down Best 303 Sounds llc, along with its website, relative pages & groups online. This has been a very difficult decision for me to make and I am sad to stop after 11 years of being “BandMomma” but the time has come.

From June 2008 until now, I feel that I have done my best, helping bands that have been and are still part of B303S family, in any way that I could.

In July 2008 I started Best 303 Sounds - a little online music promotion company. Spreading the music and gigs of local bands in Denver. After attending an outdoor concert in Denver called the Big Gig , I was so impressed with the opening band, SkyFox. I looked online for more about them and their music and hardly anything to be found. This got me thinking about how other people would know about small local bands. I reached out to SkyFox and asked them if I could share their music - and B303S was born! After a month one of their friends asked if I could do the same for his band - Fulcrum - and a month after that P-Nuckle joined the family; and they are still with me to this day :)

The snowball continued since then! I realized my personal pages online were filled with these posts on Myspace and also Facebook, so I created separate pages and websites all relating to local music and every day I was sharing and promoting online

For 11 years I have done this nearly every day, all day. With 40 bands in the family at one time it's alot to keep on top of but I made sure their posts, their gigs were shared out. (Bands come and go depending how they keep their part of the contract I have with them - I did this for free and in return was acknowledgement and thanks! So the bands changed often!)

Hundreds of bands of various genre, have been a part of B303S, to a couple of years ago when I opened up to national and one international, not just local to Colorado - as long as they played in the state I would welcome them into the family and try to network the bands all together

Over these 11 years I have had alot of fun, have planned a dozen shows, all done for charity, I also got to perform with several bands ( Scarlet Canary, Resonance, World Famous Johnsons, Vermillion Road) just larking about for shits n grins Friendships formed , connections, helping them all whenever I could behind the scenes with contacts, venue issues and making sure things were as smooth as I could make them

From a long time B303S family member

"The scene has changed quite a bit. Sucks that it seems like the excitement to be a part of the B303S family has died, cause it was an awesome thing to be a part of"

But now it is time to stop. Too much has changed within the scene that the fun has disappeared. Venues being taking over by large corporations making it harder for locals to play there, (pay to play), the family atmosphere as gone compared to a few years ago when all the bands had a clique with one another. Many have noticed it within the scene from the bands to people that go to the gigs. (even that's a struggle nowadays, getting people in the door of the venue to start with!) Venues only booking major headliners and the locals get pushed aside because of it. Venues booking cover bands, as the audience knows the music so getting bodies inside, instead of introducing them to new original musicians on their door step! Radio stations don't play locals as much as they should be. I have more bands in the family getting airplay in Europe than here! Why? When the rest of the world pays the bands for airplay and royalties and here the band pays the station in some form! Huge thanks to my friends and contacts in radio stations for playing the bands on their shows - truly appreciated <3

Every year for a while I did a Get Together for all the bands to hang out with me, connect and plan things - this started off brilliantly, great turn outs then every year it was less and less of a turn out - last one being 6 people from 40 bands! Last year for my 50th birthday one of the bands organized that their gig would be a surprise get together for me, they contacted everyone in the B303S family, I knew nothing about this.. I was there, normal crowd for the gigs but only 2 people from other bands came specifically for my 50th!

The passion has gone and I have done my best helping where I could but now I need to step away . The ride has been fun, I have enjoyed it, a lot of friends made, not just acquaintances, giving all my time willingly to supporting and online promoting the bands in the family; all the time knowing that I was doing something positive in a difficult music scene.

It is sadly the End of Best 303 Sounds LLC

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