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Writer's pictureClaire

Beastie & Diaval 2022

Updated: Aug 18, 2022

Beastie :: July 8 -Aug 15 / Diaval :: Aug 1-15

July 8 :: A very anxious to get off the plane Beastie that landed at 5.40 - last off at 6pm and limpet hugged for ages. It about was amazing to see her and a long 2hrs in the airport waiting as I have to be there for 2hrs before she lands, check in / security and wait while she's in bound etc as unaccompanied minor etc The drive home was full of excitement and planning and covering the 'guess what Nana' topics she could remember, but half hour before we got home she started to flag , realizing that she is 2hrs ahead body clock wise and and a very tired Beastie but an instant 2nd wind as soon as slowed downed and pulled infront of the gates - "yay we're here, the horses , can we got see them all, I can see Champ and Shoni, Oh I've missed here so much' and a huge grin emerged.

I made the drive back in good time and out of airport and home in 2hrs!

Very happy and excited puppies, especially Dozer, who is still very puppy and hasn't learnt manners yet so he was full on bounce.

It was a long day for all of us and we were all crashed out and in bed by 9.30pm and shattered

Day 1

Sat July 9th

The first morning is the day that has been in the planning for 3 years - waiting for permission after years of asking - I dread to think of how many times of asking but in January this year Beastie got permission to get an undercut and that Nana could do it! So that has been in the works every conversation we have had since

But first breakfast - the choice of 3 - eggs n bacon / cereal / waffles - in rotation - so naturally first choice - eggs n bacon . So Beastie sat on the deck with GrandDad and

had that while had coffee while I got things ready and that the clippers were charged and all good to go . Soon as breakfast was done, she was soooooo ready and excited with apprehension and excitement mixed in

Position done, line sorted and ponytail made and i would cut that before clippering , I didn't go short like mine used to be as I can always go shorter but i cant put it back once I was clip haha) I let her decide on final cut line and then it began. taking photos and then I gave her my camera to record as i clippered some and it was over in minutes . Looked really good too. (Through the day I clippered again as she wanted it shorter still - had a feeling she would as I said)

As to the undercut - we haven't finished yet - over the next few weeks there will be hair tattoos like I used to do with Jay's (spiderweb , lines, patterns etc depending on growth speed ) and also finally found a wash in / out color of 8 washes - choice of pink or teal - and like me she loathes the color pink haha! so shall play with that too , the shaved side and the ends etc .. And She loves it and is always brushing up the side -

Once we tidied up, pics taken, we went outside to go and see the horses and check water troughs and hay and give the puppies a good walkabout too. No ball throwing as it was already really hot outside for them to over do it

The afternoon was sit and color and chat with music playing and AC on and eventually moved closer to AC unit and put on a Disney movie and sat and colored instead while dinner was in oven

(this then really out the decision on that Alan has to go and buy a new grill for the deck - we've been without for long enough and me slow cooking spare ribs indoors when it's 92f is not a good plan - so he's going to FoCo Sunday!)

At 5 we went outside and fed the horses their porridge and did small ball throw for the puppies with hands not the chuckits and it was still really too hot for the puppies

then shower time, braided Beastie's hair then time for dinner of Ribs and corn - which she has been waiting a year for! Watching a Dragon movie , loved the idea of human sacrifices, especially the ones wearing white dresses - aka napkins - Dragons have to eat too and far too many people and these come with serviettes too! and then half way thru the movie she asked if tomorrow if I could do the undercut shorter again please! A brilliant sense of humor

GrandDad then read to her before bed (The White Dragon - Anne MaCaffrey) and by 9.30 it was lights out for all of us .. until.. Dozer started growling and on the deck was a Cinnamon Bear sitting on the corner of the deck, on the rails, eating out of the bird feeders! Oh my goodness YESSSSSSSS!!!! Quickly got Alan and Beastie out to the front room to see - Dozer was full on heckles and barking - still a puppy bark and Barney was deep throated barking. The bear legged it. He was beautiful. Utterly handsome creature . So happy.

Took Dozer half an hour to calm down to sleep and we were awake at 3 so a few hours sleep! Gonna be a long day! and another hot one too!



Day 2 Sun July 10th

After a bowl of fruit loops it was outside to go and water all the plants in the bouldery, under the sign and the deck , another hot dry day ahead, so wanted to make sure they were done first. At first I did the hose and Beastie did the weeding and removal of pinecones .. then after i did the sign we swapped over and Beastie watered

Once everything was drenched back in to do the diary (which I had printed the pictures out for earlier) And also started a new book for this year's diary too . So while Beastie cut out the pictures, I designed and made the cover for the new diary for her to color

A few delay / interruptions with the diary, plus we sit and chat, play music so its more of a social thing than a lesson but we cover spelling, grammar and punctuation , aswell as covering all parts of what she wants to remember and keep as memories. So diary time covers a couple of hours , writing, drawing, coloring , talking, the Miss Claire PIES - Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social all covered

Then the Tstorms started to brew up, GrandDad then went to Fort Collins to buy a grill and we had lunch and sat and watched original David Attenborough (life on Earth), coloring and chilled out - oh and the undercut went down another grade aswell.. started at a 16 - then 14, now a 12

We did ball for the dogs while we fed the horses their porridge - in the drizzle rain - as GrandDad put together the grill for dinner and back to coloring before GrandDad then became master of the deck and flipped Nana's homemade burgers on the grill onto homemade buns ! (all my burgers are made with bacon so a very happy Beastie!) Followed by her first taste and try of Ruby Grapefruit (nope) with strawberries and a mega icepole while watching Antman 1 - then shower then Chapter 1 completed of White Dragon with GrandDad


Day 3

Mon July 9th

A better start to the morning with smiles - It was a waffles and Nutella breakfast day - so there has to be Beastie smiles and nothing beats warm waffles and chocolate to start a day anyway ! We went for a walk with the dogs and Beastie climbed a few rocks, not really wearing the right footwear as we were doing ball throwing, so didn't go far, another day we'll do the hike about the ranch. Then back and did the diary followed by the long awaited painting nails. Mine still can't grow so luckily wearing blank false . So Beastie had a blast with this plan. She did a good job after I taught her how to brush it on properly and make it look smooth and seemless , and how to do 2 coats with patience! After lunch I did her nails

Which was a bowl on salad on the deck with GrandDad while I went to the post box

we have the same colors and style now and while doing her nails.. "Nana, can It go shorter please tomorrow?" - so shall be doing that today (Tuesday) after GrandDad has gone - he is off to Moab for the rest of the week.

After nails were dry we made the horses porridge and did art work and some old David Attenborough documentaries ( she wanted shows about the actual animals and planet - luckily we have everything this Icon has ever made I think - and not about what we are doing to them and sat chatting most of the afternoon about animals, Nana magic , my headology with children, all the children I have taught and helped.

At 4.30 we went out and through the ball for the puppies and gave the horses their porridge Dinner was Steaks , Rataouille and steamed new potatoes with mint and butter (she cut the potatoes and we watched Dragonheart. She was amazed it was a very young Professor Lupin as the bad king and Lucius Malfoy as his best friend haha

Then it was shower and Chapter 2 of The White Dragon before bed



Day 4 Tues July 11th

A funky start to the day which took till lunch time to shake off and inbetween that it was get GrandDad packed and on the road for Moab for the week and he will be back on either Friday night or Saturday morning. So quiet day of not much sadly and plans to wayside. But we did go down to Grade 10 and I think this is it for the undercut length and now we can carry on with the makeover messing about for the summer with the wash in/out color bits maybe

We did a little bit of art stuff and the normal routine chores of horses porridge, dogs before doing a quick bowl of fries and her first experience of salt and vinegar on them - she tried mine and then hogged the vinegar bottle! (malt) But she got her whole bowl of Nana's homemade fries which made her so excited when she saw me do them!

Then shower after and early night as we have early start as we have to go to town early (before it gets too hot for the dogs in the jeep) as Dozer has the vets for a booster shot and

a couple of bits from "Wallieworld"


Day 5 Wed July 12th

It was an early start as I wanted t get to town early before it got too hot for the dogs in town. So woke Beastie at 6.45. Waffles for breakfast and I had already prepped the Jeep and coffee to go and we were in town by 8am. We did Wallieworld first for a few bits and then to the vets for Dozer's booster shot - Beastie was a great help as my 3 never do leashes as they were brilliantly behaved - even lil Dozer. Soon as we got back home it was already 85f and straight to the kitchen and time to cook and bake. Just to make the house even hotter (AC on ready) and Pink Floyd's Pulse - time for Nana's Mac n Cheese with a twist! ... Bacon! First was prep. No diary entry for yesterday as nothing to write about sadly

Beastie prepped all the Bacon and taught how to cut not saw - doing that with cut cutlery too and she's seeing how easy knives do the work now) so she zoomed through the cubing of the bacon then onto the cheese - always white and vintage strong cheddar . Beastie then grated a 1/3 mega block of tillamook. We didn't go for Parmesan/crunchy bacon & melted cheese crust this year as she doesnt like Parmesan apparently! We talked about her fear of cooking again and being scared of water in a pan (pasta) bacon frying (that had a spit guard anyway) and changed that to aware, I don't want phobias while growing up as this should be fun and creating things should be exciting not a fear. So on with Pink and Funhouse for distraction and back to it.

Whilst the gluten free pasta penne was simmering it was onto the Roux . Stool to the stove and whisk at the ready and butter melting, whisk in hand. I poured in the guten free flour and milk and Beastie went to work and made the Roux. We never had to use the Zuzzer blender once - she was brilliant with the whisk - no lumps at all throughout the sauce making . In with the cheese then as I drained the pasta she carried on whisking so it all stayed smooth and then i poured the pasta into the big dish, followed by the bacon, the sauce and we added sweetcorn for extra crunch and taste and she then stirred it altogether and under the broiler it went

Whilst it was browning we cleaned up and then it was lunchtime. She was very hungry!

After lunch we took the puppies out again and then it was makeover time.

I did her makeup - she chose the colors from Nana's boxes and we only did 2 eye liner colors and lips - no eye shadow or powders and a little photoshoot (pics below) I tried to teach her to smile with her eyes not her mouth , not look at the camera and about posing for photographs . She loved doing this and loved I had painted my walls black too! A perfect background Nana! We made the porridge and then did artwork for the afternoon while the skies were noisy with storms and rain

Dinner was Mac n Cheese again and more storms , inbetween we both got showers in and hairwash for her and she wanted to know my ultimate favorite movie of all time as we are watching hers. So I told her - Amadeus and what its about and its kid friendly, she wanted to watch it . So we did. It was a late night! She recognized alot of the music and seemed to enjoy it and it was interesting and was asking alot of questions too. No real plans for the next day as storms all day so shall let her sleep in!



Day 6 Thursday July 14th

No real entry for today - we had a nothing day as both ate too much the day before, gassy, farty and weather was really crabby and just curled up and colored, watched movies and went outside with the dogs every hour or so - a chill day

I did mess with her favorite photo from our mini photoshoot and this is her favorite and the effect blew her mind - the B&W china doll - Charlie Chaplin era style face - she asked me to post this on the blog and she wants this to be her album cover haha

Day 7 Friday July 15th

Woke Beastie at 6:30 as it was going to be another very hot morning with alot of storms and had to find a break in the storms to do this finally . So we were in the arena by 7am with Champ and had him tacked up by 7.15 . It was western saddle first , as she keeps hoping her legs are long enough but sadly still not yet - As Crowley says GROW BETTER! she laughed alot at this and helped me swap over and then played with the dogs inbetween the change over .. I may have to hole punch and play with them a bit more and adjust if I can - not easy. So after I tested Champ's waters, the english saddle went on and she was happy that her legs have grown since the last positioning. Then it was see what she has done in a year and what she could do since my last lesson with her. Champ kept the bosel as I refuse to use a bit and as my guys are horse whispered then would never use one - plus I made sure they never had their back teeth removed for the bit anyway .He was so good with her . My gentle giant So Beastie had some refresher in to ask Champ how to turn, go forward, feel his body and learning the saddle dance again inbetween her legs and not just sit there. Her body has to feel his as he responds to her - if she sits and does does nothing then he will. So hip moving to his back moving as it walks , feeling the shoulders, moving with his - it's a dance and to go with it at the same time. Half way through she smiled and said I found it.. (By jove, a Henrey Higgings moment for me I think) The hardest is the touching rope on left side of neck and touching inner right leg to turn right and touching rope on right side of neck and touching inner left leg to left confuses a bit but she'll get that eventually when she realized its like driving the 6by . We also worked on posture and trying to keep hands infront in lap not up by armpits so leaning right back and listening . She had a really good lesson once she listened, she understood and followed through and Champ responded and she was so happy she got him to do something that she asked him to do. That's when we stopped and the importance of always stopping on a positive . It was now 9am and 80f and we had alot more stuff to do

Next (after my conference with emergency conference tele medicine call with neuro - running out of options now - whilst putting tack away) it was do hay and water for both pairs - Beastie has been gagging for this moment - the 6by!!! Then it was out to the manure dump as we had to get a load of it for GrandDad today. He needed a hole dug (as he was bringing back another rose on his way back and planting tomorrow) So Beastie behind the handlebars that's what we did next - working on the muscles next - definitely more on the shovel and fork I think

Back to the house and I really needed more coffee before we even started any digging , temps now reaching high 80s too and the skies had turned grey again too - ugh - oh joy.

The section was dug was turned inbetween thunderstorms and getting wet throughout the day as everytime we started and picked up tools it started and in and out we went , so a long process over a few hours to get it done!

We did wash out and refill the hummingbird feeders and saw an amazing Weidemers Admiral on the feeder before we cleaned it too

Rest of the day was art / mythology movies, finish Good Omens / dinner / daily shower and then Granddad got home - minus the climbing rose (ugh seriously) and all flaked out by 9am exhausted and a massive Tstorm started at 9.30 over the house. Least I don't have to water the plants in the morning!



Day 8

Saturday July 16th

Today after breakfast and doing the diary we went outside and finished off digging the hole for the big rose, (JakJak supervised this) which Beastie and I will go and get tomorrow (sunday in Fort Collins) we had a good night of rain and big storms which helped with the digging and weeding and picking out the root systems too

During the night Nana's Oriental Lily opened too. It is amazing and also the Teddy bear Choya - Shh1 has sprouted buds too. Rest of the afternoon was stormy and quiet with art stuff and some ball playtime too



Day 9

Sunday July 17th

After breakfast we went to Fort Collins. First to My favorite store (second hand vinyl) but after browsing no P!nk or anything we liked. So we went to the nursery and bought a Climbing Hardy Rose Rose called Above and beyond and 2 T Roses - one called Oklahoma and the - Double Delight - this rose I DO know (from previous photos in galleries I can grow this rose) I asked of they had any and he said sadly they were out but in the middle of all the peaches there I found it! A really good stem base too.

We looked at the ceramic pots - preety and would have been amazing on the deck but MADE CHINA so a huge NO regardless of being 30% off, even the reek style looking ones. So paid for the roses and we went to Home Depot .

We found carbon fiber /cement style pots not made in china and also a cast iron frying pan to do bacon and eggs on the grill on the deck!. As we left it was approaching midday and Beastie got a hotdog and an apple when we got home.

Got home just after 1 and it was straight to work and plant the T-Roses. Mixing the manure and soil in the 6by . They look wonderful all rehomed.

After doing the roses it was empty out the rest of the manure by the big hole for the other rose for GrandDad

Back inside to make the porridge, washup and chillout and color for a couple of hours before we went back outside to give horses the poriidge and do ball

Dinner was a bowl of Nana's chili, 4 corn tortillas , which weren't enough and onto her bag of nacho doritos and part 2 of Terry Pratchett's the Color of Magic before shower and Granddad reading to her and lightsout 9 as pooped



Day 10

Monday July 18th

After Breakfast , which was bacon, snags and eggs done on the grill outside. It was straight to doing the dairy for a bit then half way through that we went outside and planted the climbing rose, which didn't take very long. Then back inside and finish the diary and sit and natter about Teddy Bear Cholla's, how big they grew, how they grew and why they are called the most dangerous cactus in the world and then onto GrandDad's adventures (which are on the website)

Then to Beastie's surprise - it was hair color time - well try. A wash in up to 8 washes out . I explained that everything we do will only be a test to see if it works as we will not be bleaching, so the color will never be what it says on the box - she wanted Teal! - what happens happens so not to expect it. Hard for a nearly 9 y.o tho as this is exciting and she's been wanting this for months - but first - can we go shorter Nana! So a trim of grade 10! Then on with the Vaseline line to make sure of bleeding

So then it was out with the gloves, brush and one of my old tshirts

It went on bright blue - ooh there's hope! Only the undercut and the ends of her hair was done not the whole thing and 1/3 of the tube was used (more to try again another day)

So in the 30/40 mins of waiting she had lunch then it was wait and see as I rinsed out and towel dried. The color is definitely there but extremely faint. The camera refuses to pick up the colors no matter the angle, lighting or contrast but I do see some teal in there and the undercut just looks the same unless sun really shines on it , which i had a feeling would be the case as its short

The afternoon was art and another mythology movie - Jason and the Argonauts and then porridge at 4.30.

I did dinner on the grill again - rice and curry - never done that before - using my dutch oven and just a mega quick pixar movie as no time for a real movie tonight plus shower and Granddad reading - even tho I had just download the new Jurassic Dominion Movie ahhhhhhhhh- tomorrow nights plan for sure she's so excited for it - so are we



Day 11

Tuesday July 19th

After a double waffle nutella sandwich and a lay in, it was time to head outside and get to ranch work. I had already filled the trough for Dakota and Champ and watered the plants and done the laundry before she woke. So first on our to do list was hang out the laundry, then having a discussion about saving the planet, conserving energy, using mother nature as much as possible like we used to for centuries before man got lazy and thinking about other ways we have become lazy instead of using nature. That was a fun discussion while hanging up dishcloths! Then down to the barn and bring in the horses and time for bug lotion as the horse flies are bad this year. First was Tinker and Shoshoni and do their water trough too. Beastie stayed with Tink in the corral giving him grass as played tag with Shoni for 20 minutes. They both got covered , Beastie did half of Tinker and then we released them. Then we bought in Champ and Dakota. Beastie did all of Champ (bar the dock) I think she had more bug lotion on her arm than Champ by the end and I did Dakota.

After returning them to the pasture it was time to do the hay for both sets.

After we got back in it was wash off the lotion and do diary and it was then lunch time

The afternoon was art , make porridge and relax and as it got hotter outside, at 4.30 we did ball for the dogs and porridge for Dakota and Champ and Beastie had her daily shower before dinner (which was Nana's burgers) as we were watching a long movie tonight and still bedtime story with GrandDad and saved some time!



Day 12

Wednesday July 20th

After a very late start and breakfast it was straight to arts and crafts. First it was decide on the words and then I would work do that, then on paper Beastie designed a picture for the back which she would then gently draw with silver sharpie on the back The plan was to do this on the deck but as it was windy we couldn't put the parasol up and the sun and heat was really hot by this time, so onto the kitchen counter instead and my step stool. Front first and then paint the back tomorrow as it will take the longest to do so it has a good amount of time to dry on both sides and nothings sticks

This took us up to lunchtime .

After lunch it was do diary and color and I had gotten out al the art supplies of pens/pens etc

Through the afternoon I made dinner on the grill which was snag n bean casserole in the dutch oven on the grill



Day 13

Thursday July 21st

Another late start so I had done most of the stuff outside before she woke up and soon as she had finished breakfast it was straight outside to the barn and check water and hay which we replenished then back up and emptied, cleaned and filled the trough up here. We also made the porridge early so it would be ready for when I came back

Beastie then had an hour to start the back of her tshirt as I was leaving for town and she was staying back with GrandDad. So she did the main color and left that to dry. I then made lunch and headed for town. And GrandDad suffered harry potter for me as we're watching all the saga again

When I got back it was unload, put away and then take the dogs out to do ball and feed the horses porridge. Dinner was leftover night and we couldn't do a movie it was straight in for daily shower and also hair wash - the color did come out some which I knew would happen but I am doing it again anyway. Beastie chose the Curry and we watched Harold Lloyd - she laughed most of the way through - she knows all of Charlie Chaplin so a new B&W classic genius to discover ! She didnt see the last half - then it was teeth and bedtime story with GrandDad for lights out and Alan made us a well very deserved and needed Mojito


Day 14

Friday July 22nd

An early start as we had to get to town by 9 -9.30 as we dropped GrandDad off and then Beastie and puppy crew came back home (the dogs are never left home alone so early was good for them too) More coffee for Nana and straight to T-shirt painting while I watered plants and did laundry. The red had cracked alot, and is the main color of the art, and had tightened up, angst moment so I did manipulate and we then talked about turning negatives into positives as GrandDad and Nana do not have panic buttons there will always be a way to solve or fix or adapt. Once i did that she saw that it wasn't as bad as she thought and looked reptilian , just like a dragon - phew

GrandDad got back around lunch time and after that he went to FoCo to pickup a huge piece of gym equipment - so he has a mecanno kit to make at the weekend now!

Beastie and I did more artwork, made the porridge , undercut went to a grade 8 - can I go shorter still please Nana! and watched a movie while coloring that GrandDad doesn't like (Harry Potter saga continues afterwards - then hobbit trilogy - dragons of course) She loves Charlie Chaplin - so we watched Chaplin with Robert Downey Jnr as Charlie. She has been wanting to see this for a while. Utterly mindblown that the actress playing Charlie's mother was infact Charlie Chaplin's real daughter Geraldine . As the end credit rolled and the facts/bio pieces are displayed and she read them, Granddad got home (excellent timing) Aswell as the gym mecanno set he also got us some fresh Palisade peaches (really hard to get fruit here and these are good) and after washing off the fluff, Beastie loves them too and he also bought me 2 hanging baskets as BOGO aswell. so pretty

Dinner was steak on the grill and GrandDad made a fresh ratatouille and we watched Hellboy 2 - then shower and another chapter of The white dragon PHOTOS ARE THUMBNAILS AND GRID - CLICK TO EXPAND AND ARROW TO GO THRU THE WHOLE DAYS COLLECTION


Day 15

Saturday July 23rd

After breakfast we were going to town but change of plans and do Sunday's to do list instead - Uncle Jay was driving back quick from work in Lander with Sammy to pick up a vehicle and then both drive back again in a quick turnaround back to work Beastie was so excited as she has been gagging to see him and this was a surprise as he isn't on break for a while So instead we made Nana Burgers before they arrived . I prepped most of it as Beastie was doing her diary. When she had finished I had just the garlic left to do, so I then taught her how to finely chop garlic using a big knife, I showed her on one clove and then she did the rest. Then the fun started. Time to get sticky hands . First break up the 6lbs of ground beef so n big chunks then it was add all the ingredients at once and using hands and fingers , manipulate, squeeze, turn over and combine everything as evenly as possible.

This is where Beastie's job really started. The cold squishy ingredients turning into burger! After about 5-10 mins of this it was time to get a huge handful and squeeze and manipulate into a ball then a special technique cupping hands and moving meat n a circle into a fat disc

I had prepped the wax paper squares on a huge tray, when burger was inspected that all ingredients wouldn't fall out, it was placed on a square and then a square ontop (for frozen separation ease) Then I would press down gently. Then onto the next handful. I sorted out the sizes, Beasties did the rest. By the end we had made 18 burgers and into the freezer they went . Then we cleaned up.

Ten minutes later Uncle Jay arrived. Beastie was so excited now (as for past 10 minutes she kept looking out the window or asking if he was driving down the track yet). We let Jay park, and for them to get out and do the 3 puppy thing , then it was huge hugs and wouldn't leave his side till he left ! He had the diary experience and then she took him outside and showed him all of the roses and new plants that we've got and planted

Then as they were sorting out to leave Sammy started talking to her - in spanish, she did pretty well and learnt alot of new words too with GrandDad's help (as he's fluent)

Then Beastie rode up with Jay in his truck and did the gates for them and then ran back (that's when we let the dogs out again and they ran up to meet her - well Dozer sprinted like a greyhound out the gates! and then it was bounce galore!

It was really stormy, so coloring and a movie and I had downloaded 3 the night before that she's never seen before, Spy Kids - we all watched the first one and she was memorized and totally hooked!

Then we watched a couple of Harold Lloyd's and a Chaplin while doing food prep

Spy Kids #2 was with dinner!

Then shower and some more White Dragon with GrandDad - all of us utterly pooped by 9!



Day 16

Sunday July 24th

After Breakfast and sweeping the floors Beastie and I went to town and got a few bits and pieces for her and found some spray matte lacquer for the tshirt so hopefully that works and keep the paint on and protect it The Tstorms were huge all day so when we got home she did a few colors on the Tshirt and then it was movie afternoon as it was heavy rain for hours

After we fed the horses their porridge , it was early shower as the evening we had to get everything done really early and out the way

GrandDad had dinner honors today and made pizza from scratch , Beastie decorated her own and put on what she wanted, as we all did, we watched another Harold Lloyd , my favorite one for his skill and strength and the first one I remember watching when I was young. Safety Last

Then it was cleanup and that was it for the night , so Alan made mojitos and sadly no White Dragon chapter tonight as it was way too late for Alan to do one.



Day 17

Monday July 25th

Up and out into the arena early before the heat kicked in too much. We first got water trough filling and then got the tack needed into the 6by and bought in Champ and while that was happening Shoshoni and Tink walked up so I closed them into the corral for a bit as I wanted to work with Shoshoni again.

I rode Champ first for 15 minutes and did a couple of circuits of the arena , he was like a coiled spring too too so good I rode him before Beastie got on. While I was on Champ the dogs had located a very fat Ground Squirrel nesting. Dozer was quick and with Beastie in awe - nature was at work! I did warn her not too look but that's red rag to a bull and curiosity is her main ingredient. So she watched them. They toyed first for about 10 minutes with this thing and then barney and Dozer did tug of war! They both won and Oscar cheering them on wanting to join in ! It ended up in 3 pieces anyway so he got a piece too. Needless to say there were eeooo remarks, so gross.. then THAT WAS SO COOL!

Beastie got onto Champ via the6by this time as I got my leather punch and we got the stirrups where she wanted them. Today was first real lesson with Nana and she had full control . (Champ is awesome with her - me - lets get real sassy shall we) Half an hour of focusing on rhythm, posture (which is the hardest one at the moment but she understood in the photos below why Nana kept saying back straight, legs straight to her ) She did several circuits of the round pen, using the HWW method of how my guys are taught, she turned and changed brain and shoulder for him too , a couple of 'he's not listening to me' moments but finally she found the blanguage and he did brilliantly with her. We ended on a positive , she rode him back up to the barn, untacked - following me - and we took Champ back to the pasture where Dakota was waiting.

I then bought Shoshoni into the barn and put the western on him and down to the arena. I worked with him for about half hour, Beastie agreed his loope and long trot are beautiful and loved watching him go fast and bucking/adjusting the latigos for comfort. Then I did some ground work with him and got on. He understood the turning and shoulder questions but going forward is the challenge , backwards seems to be his thing.. ask forward he reverses . but by the end of a few shaky moments , we finally got 5 steps forward and off I got. After we returned Shoshoni and Tink to their pasture, we did the hay for both and headed back home.

Then as Beastie was doing diary I started the bread making , this would take a few hours as I do 3 rises before baking Plus I dysoned too By the time she had finished 2 days entries , she helped me make the bread for the last rise. A few frustrations but realized that it takes practice and years to understand how bread dough works and how to work with it, then comes the speed . (The top loaf is hers and half of the rolls . So she wasn't as bad as she thought she was)

While bread was cooking she had lunch - aka cold pizza !

Then she finally finishing the Tshirt and the last colors to go on. (I will spray it when it's all dry)

We then went outside and bought Dakota and Champ in for lawnmowing and we were outside for another hour watching them munching and enjoying the weather

Then GrandDad came out and said there's a chipmunk inside and JakJak is in pursuit. (He had gone outside to the deck with his lunch, JakJak was already spying this chipmunk, door opened and the chase was on and before Alan had a chance to close the door to stop what was going to be deathchase, too late - they were both inside. JakJak was still guarding when we came back inside after putting the lawnmowers away. Dozer then got the scent.

After about an hour of hunting, stalking and waiting for the chipmunk to come out of the baseboard. Alan blocking off a route closer and closer to the edge - Dozer got it as it ran out under the sofas - so Ayli and lifted all the legs, Alan tilted the middle section between them and under Dozer went with chipmunk dangling.

That was quite entertaining for Beastie watching all of this and alot of smiles and giggles too

We then made porridge and then did some art, watching George of the Jungle (another newbie for her) and a couple of Harold Lloyds too - she loves B&W silents

Dinner was burgers with the rolls she made and she fell asleep thru the movie of her choice (Forbidden Kingdom) so Alan carried her to bed, semi rag doll so not really asleep so no chapter again - but it was a funpacked non stop day!



Day 18

Tuesday July 26th

A more relaxing and normal day was needed and that's what we did, after breakfast we did diary and then we were kitchen bound and it was Spaggi Bollox night - altho I used it's real name of Spaghetti Bolognaise. She had never heard of it. I got all the ingredients ready for her while she was doing her diary. So more knife lessons and the different techniques for each ingredient. From fine chopped to the mega finely chopped and she cooked the Bolognaise . Her favorite i8s definitely doing the garlic and the technique ( Woah, This is how Gordon Ramsay does it Nana!) So 2 gloves went in! For someone who doesn't like garlic she wanted it garlicy!

Once the Bolognaise was done we left that to simmer and we loaded up Big Red with the trash to take to our dumpster - mainly the mega boxes from Alan's new gym workout mecanno set - which is currently on the deck as we have to empty the gym for next week!

So Beastie went around the house to all the little trash bins and replaced the bags and we then drove up to the dumpster and then we went down to the post box and got GrandDad's coffee

When we got back it was lunch and art / movie time.. and she had been asking a few times to watch her new favorite movie (for this summer!) George of the Jungle .. So that was a yes and I also told her I was finally able to complete downloading The Circus by Charlie Chaplin - we had saw clips of it in the movie Chaplin the other day - so after some interesting keywords into DuckDuckGo - I found what it was called.

Tstorms rolled in and we did porridge early before the rain and strikes got too heavy

Several times thru the day Beastie asked what was for dinner - then once she realized , smack forehead and go derr oh yeh, I made it and by the 5th asking I decided that we are definitely having fish tomorrow!



Day 19

Wednesday July 27th

After breakfast and a laundry load hung out to dry, Beastie , the dogs and I went for a hike across the ranch. We made sure we had a water bottle full of water and off we went . Down into the main canyon first beside the house and then up the other side to the north fence line , rock climbing and looking at all the flowers and cacti.

Then we followed the fenceline all the way to the bottom of our ranch to the east fence. Finding so many wild flowers, cactus and also Indian Paintbrush everywhere . The dogs also found a hiding bunny which also was then victim of they’re new technique of tug-o-war. We then walked down a very steep flank to the bottom

We passed many huge boulder and rock formations and one area had a pretty garden feel - a broken quartz vein with dozens of cacti. That was really pretty. Closeby was a cave and we went by really quiet and Beastie whispered she was glad I had my gun with me (she understands why we have them and especially after that amazing visit with the bear )

We then walked straight up the middle of the canyon following the 6by tracks and path we’ve made over the past 11 years. There were bushes everywhere of ‘showy Milkweed’, huge dandelion clocks, purple daisies and a N.A version of a bluebell which is purple - not sure what it's called tho

As we walked up the canyon, there was an amazing cool breeze which was really welcome . We got half way and found GrandDad's shooting range , the orange plates and also the colored water jugs . We carried on up and I told her about our troll (the kind from The Color of Magic - Terry Prachett) and he's called Old Man Rock and we would pass him soon and that means we turn and walk straight up the north side and right up to the house

We found a Old Man and she was amazed and could work out all the features and parts and then asked if we could go by and to have a good day

Soon as we got home, it was strip out of the long clothes, splash faces and cool off . Then start de-burring Barney! I had 3 pooped puppies!

After lunch it was art and a movie - can we watch Mozart again please. A good idea as that's 3hrs and my body didn't want to move much for a while. Then today it was early shower plus hairwash followed by some David Attenborough.

Dinner was the fish as promised and we watched another David Attenborough all about Volcanoes . After food she asked if I could test her memory now - so a quick Q&A from an earlier discussion about favorite kinds of animals - She remembered all but one and was so happy that he fish was working already! Then she asked GrandDad all of his (various types - air/desert/jungle/ice/ocean/mythological/dinosaur etc) GrandDad finished another chapter with her before lights out



Day 20

Thursday July 27th

Up and out early , I had an appointment in town at 9 and GrandDad brought BR in for a service before he heads to NV next week. He bought in Beastie and the puppies as he left a little later than me and Beastie wasn't ready and just woke up as I was leaving. I then met them at the Dealer after my appointment and then transferred puppies, Beastie and GrandDad to my Jeep and we came home.

After diary entry we painted nails and I sorted out lunch. The weather was stormy yet again so art and watched part1 of The Hobbit. Then it was hair color attempt again. I asked her to take out the braid and brush her hair - the result was hysterical This time it stayed on longer and I used more - well the rest of the tube - not sure if its worked enough yet as it was dark by the time it was dry

Pastie, Nana's fries and Beans for dinner and GrandDad finished the next chapter of White Dragon with her before lights out


Day 21

Friday July 28th

A rather long day, mainly in town. (so nothing to report for the days activities - not very exciting to write about!) We took GrandDad to the garage to pick up Big Red and swapped the dogs over from the Jeep, then Beastie and I went into town and GrandDad went back home with the puppies.

We finally got home around 1.30. Unloaded jeep then put groceries away. We then made the porridge and to the kitchen and washed all the fruit we got and prepped them for the fridge.

We sat and chatted about dragons and some reading practice and learning new words in the Dracopedea we bought her for last year's birthday. After we fed the horses and did ball with the puppies, we then prepped the veg for dinner (lemon chicken - roasted with salad) Beastie then took the bag of fruit and veg bits down to Bear Rock.

Dinner was good, then shower and another chapter of White Dragon with GrandDad


Day 22

Saturday July 29th

A quietish but busy day - after breakfast we went down to the barn and we the water troughs and also hay for both sets and then back to the house and after diary we made GrandDad's Cookie Slab.

Before lunch GrandDad and I moved some equipment out of the gym and making space for Diaval. Then I cut GrandDad's hair so he's good for next week in Nevada. THEN i surprised Beastie , she had asked a few times and said I would but as i didnt tell her plan but surprise, I got the clippers and did a quick hair tattoo on her undercut. She had the biggest grin and when I showed the photo of what it looks like, she started to talk but croaked and got teary and finally, you are the best Nana, this is amazingly sick and I look mega cool , its amazing, i love it sooo much. (tears in eyes) she knows it grows out quick and next time I'll do the spiderweb like I did with Uncle Jay's

After lunch colored and also went through her Dracopedea book together and she's building her Santa list already (Dragon Egg - a real one - She will remove all her cuddly toys and give them away to make room as it grows and will be good for rest of her life as she will be a dragon rider) So another reading, pronunciation and discovery session as she read the book and each kind - also adding in Math for dimensions, bedroom and forest-backyard size . She has chosen the kind she would like

Then we watched The Hobbit part 2 then did porridge and early shower before dinner - which was a fry up and we watched another Sir David Attenborough's Perfect planet episode

Beastie's favorite image / footage from the episode


Day 23

Sunday July 30th

We bought Champ in and tacked him with the english saddle. I worked him first before Beastie got on. He had a definite spring in his step, I could feel it through the saddle . I did about 10 mins as Beastie got prepared and wanted him a bit calmer before we started

Another 'real' lesson today - me in the middle and she was in control of what she wanted to ask him. The first couple of circuits were fine but then she got too relaxed and he kept stopping after each question. The added a bit of frustration. He's not listening Nana... No you stopped asking ... Once,and I was able to explain more about body language, emotion and confidence and its not one question , response and done - have to keep the energy alive and enthusiasm and expect him to want to carry on but more to do with energy in the bum and inner legs. After 5 minutes she got it again and he responded and some impromptu trotting in the round pen a few times - aka bouncing.

She eventually found his rhythm

We ended on a positive and I went back on to take Champ back to the barn I did some fast work with him on way through the arena - but a detour . I took him up to the house . My first time in a while

After we did bug lotion again on Champ and also Dakota and then back to the house.

The rest of the morning was diary, I helped GrandDad move stuff out of the gym. Sorted out the airbed mattresses and bedding. Then lunch.

After lunch it was The Hobbit - part 3 and alot of storms rolled in.

After the movie it was feed the horses and then Beastie helped me prep dinner - Liver and Bacon with Eyeball gravy (her name for it as I added mushrooms to the onion and bacon gravy) steamed veg and double jacket potato. Beastie also rolled the liver in my infamous flour & seasoned coating and her favorite of chopped garlic too. She wolfed the lot

Movie was Gods of Eygpt, then shower, teeth and next chapter of White Dragon.


Day 24

Monday Aug 1st

not alot happened today - out of whack plus getting the gym ready for beds !

Day 25

Tuesday Aug 2nd

Did a few ranch things and kept active as much as i could but as Mom was here there was nothing structured but did manage a few lessons and coloring times so i could see where his baseline was and what lessons to design but first will be pincer grasp so he can start the lessons! so far so good and his coloring with Nana was more focused, controlled and he was so proud of what he had done we did the hay and water and they both helped with dinner prep and dinner but everything starts tomorrow and Nana , Beastie and Diaval can get adjusted and focused on the next 2 weeks


Day 26

Wednesday Aug 3rd

Once the day got started properly, we got busy! (Mom and GrandDad both had left earlier in the morning) So after we said our goodbye's to GrandDad - Beastie did all the gates with him - we watered all the plants first and then to the kitchen and made a Mac, Cheese and Bacon. Beastie now getting really good at making the roux - no lumps again - Diaval helped me with the bacon. Both very excited to have this for lunch. We had a brilliant time talking all about the ingredients, how to cook and have alot of fun doing things together as a team to make one thing.

After it was baked/broiled we went for a walkabout with some inpromtu rock walking - just quick I said as we didn't have the right shoes for a real hike. So much fun and conversation too and Diaval joining in with what we could see and asking questions about the rocks and when we could climb the boulder formations. When we got back we washed up and lunchtime - it was wolfed down so quick by Beastie with some Doritoes (most essential for the sauce y'know - it's sooooo creamy Nana) When Diaval finally finished his he sat and did some coloring before making the porridge and then watched Maleficent - Diaval now fully understanding why they have their Nana and GrandDad names. Utterly engrossed at what animals Diaval is turned into and how happy he was that he was my companion and helper in helping Beastie and the Moors We then gave the horses their porridge and Beastie showed Diaval how to use the chuckit and they took turns to use it for Barney, as Nana does the chuckit for Dozer.

Beastie then showed Diaval the photos on the wall and told him who the people were, he clocked Uncle Jay with his mohawk and Beastie told him Nana does the hair like hers - you can guess the next question Nana was asked! Dinner was on laptrays and they wanted to watch Maleficent 2 so we did that and then all sat together to talk about how we make a good team and work together - with Nana adding some Headology Then it was bathtime and straight to bed which was peaceful, quick and gentle snoring was within minutes!

Beastie and I then had some quiet time and we watched Captain America Civil War (so a bonus late night for her) with popcorn and she had her 1 on 1 with her Nana - which she very much needed by the end of the day and Diaval was in bed Nana is pooped



Day 27

Thursday Aug 4th

A fantastic day. for all 3 of us - all happy, doing alot of ranch chores, working together and keeping busy

Diaval had 2 bowls of breakfast and asked what to do with the milk because its messy with a spoon. So I said he could do it like GrandDad. Huge smiles after all the milk was gone. We then went onto the deck and watered all of the plants and watched all of the birds and tried to count all of the hummingbirds

We then got dressed because we were heading out to the barn to check the water and give all the horses, not ponies, hay . Beastie sits behind me and Diaval in front - the happiest squees everytime we 3,2,1 go!

Then back to the house and first hung out the laundry to dry , Beastie standing on the 6by to reach and Diaval sat on the seat and he was incharge of handing out the pegs when we asked for 2 please. This was so much fun especially when I was hanging the bed sheets as he had secretly put 4 pegs on my butt and when I found them, hysterical laughter We then collected all of the trash in the garage and house and took it all up to the dumpster and then 3,2,1 GO and returning fast.

Lesson and diary time was next - Beastie got busy and I worked with Diaval. First was stick in the photos of what we did the day before , gently and to the edges. Then starter handwriting practice. First making sure the pencil is held correctly with the Pincer Grasp and concentrating on the dot formation and writing the alphabet then 1-10. If a mistake or done wrong , erase and try again. We then read the alphabet working on pronunciation , mouth and tongue positioning and then the phonic and what words can start with the word ,The numbers was pointing to the number and showing me how many fingers. He worked hard and tried with every letter slowly until it was clear, and zero frustration and big double high 5s for trying our hardest and doing a really good job

This took us to lunchtime and after that Orian worked on his coloring and marker color in the line slowly and with me in the middle Beastie wanted me to teach her Scrabble. This was great fun and she did brilliantly and for first time, got the idea of the game within seconds. Although she did not realize how long the game would take but that was cool as she liked the 1:1 with me. We also played a game of checkers.

After we made porridge , got the laundry from outside and sat and watched Labyrinth to relax before we went back outside to give the horses their porridge and ball.

After dinner it was bath / shower and bed as we were all exhausted , especially Diaval - still acclimating (which can take weeks) so by 5pm he is shattered - so shall let him have a siesta after lunch from tomorrow .



Day 28

Friday Aug 5th

Breakfast of bacon, snags and eggs - to which Diaval had 2 breakfasts - plus him asking "Please Nana can we some music please Nana?

"What would you like? Soft music or loud music?" "Loud and hard please"

"mmm - which disc?" (arraying the collection)

"Allll Aboarrrrrrrrrd Crazy Train" said liudly and huge smiles Ozzy Osbourne it is - they both LOVE Ozzy

We had to give Dozer a bath - he stunk and was all sticky. No clue what it was (smell and taste still haven't returned properly) but a definite whiff of dead rotting gopher. This would be a challenge - he's never had a bath before and also 2 kids helping. So Beastie was incharge of camera and Diaval helped me. Dozer was so sweet - gentle and shaking as we washed him gently and even when Diaval assisted. Then we did our diary / lessons - after getting change as for some reason we were quite wet! After lessons it was put on boots, fill water bottles, find sunglasses and head outside. We bought in 2 of the lawn mowers (and hung out laundry - video below - the wet towels from Dozer's bathtime) Dakota and Champ had a good hour of trimming the grass around the house

Lunch was quick and Diaval went for a siesta - he didnt sleep tho sadly, which I was hoping he would as by 5pm he is utterly done in.

At 2pm GrandDad got home - Beastie went up to do all the gates and both had huge excitement and Diaval had to show GrandDad his quartz collection which is on display on his room's window sil.

Huge thunderstorms for the rest of the day and even fed the horses in the rain and rilled on the deck in a larger storm for burgers (and Nana fries)

Then bath, bed, teeth, and we all zonked out by 9



New Laundry game Beastie hands me the laundry, Diaval hands out the pegs

First time this happened , we ran out of pegs but I knew we couldn't have.

The giggles started as I was trying to find them.

Where are they? I don't know, Magic ... it wasn't me - I didn't do nothing

Nothing, Nothing Tra La La

Soon as I found them - hysteria. over excited talking.

I Pegged your butt Nana I got you Nana .. now this is the laundry clips game

Day 29

Saturday Aug 6th

Bare with me - laptop is being a PIA and not able to keep it on for long so photos and videos are up 4 U .. so shall type what I can before it quits each time

Plan was for me to do town and Beastie is coming with me to have some quiet Nana time and GrandDad would look after Diaval and the puppies

Last night Diaval asked parents if he could have a Faux Hawk, he had been asking everyday since seeing photos of Uncle Jay on the wall and my reply was that only if parents say yes . He got permission

After breakfast - waffles , toast and Nutella and a face wash, he stood on a chair, I got my clippers and he got a faux hawk. He stood still majority of the time and seems to move at critical stages of getting the lines straight so will tidy up those thru the week but for now its all good and he loves it and keeps looking in the mirror saying I have big boy hair Nana like Uncle Jay

We then tidied up and cleaned the area and Beastie and I got ready to go . We got to town around 11 and got everything we needed (with the assistance of a Frappocino of course) Diaval helped GrandDad with watering the plants on the deck and then they went for a walk up into the rocks and he ate all the lunch I prepared earlier and prefect behavior with tasks he was set

We returned around 2, we unloaded and out away, asking both to help that changed and Diaval did a 180. So Beastie and I sat and colored and watched Harold Lloyd as a big storm came in so kept things quiet After dinner it was bath and everyone zonked out asleep



Day 30

Sunday Aug 7th

After breakfast we watered all of the plants around the house, then on the deck we got the 6by and we went around the ranch looking for rocks for GrandDad

All of us loading up the rocks gently into the back so they wouldn't break against each other We then unloaded them carefully behind the house by the roses

Then inside and we washed our hands and got our diaries out and did those and GrandDad went onto the roof and started putting up our new internet satellite system.. Starlink .. high speed and unlimited data. Yay so excited ..if only my laptop wasn't dying with full blown swan song (I'll be calling out the tech guys to come and fix and replace the fan this week hopefully) so I was back and forth doing both sets of assistance

After lunch Diaval went for a time out lay down to help him thru the day and Beastie and I watched a movie and colored while we were still setting up Starlink

Another huge storm rolled in after we did porridge,with rain and hail We then prepped the food for lunch, bbq chicken and salad with steamed new potatoes and watched Finch . (Tom Hanks

Alan made some well deserved mojitos

Finch - Beastie loves this movie alot. I think it will be played again before she leaves!



Day 31

Monday Aug 8th

After a fried breakfast, we got dressed GrandDad’s friend Sammy arrived and they both went to Denver for the day. We went down to the barn to do the water trough and gave all of the horses hay. Then we bought in Shoshoni and Tink and put bug lotion on them. So a good couple of hours outside and down at the barn. We then washed u, got changed (a lot hay to shake out) and we ate lunch and time to relax for a couple of hours drawing and coloring while we watched RatRace. A lot of giggles and rewinding to watch again.

GrandDad and Sammy got home around 4pm and we did horses and did chuckit with the puppies at 4.30. Then wash hands and Beastie did all the prep for the stirfry , long strips of small capsicums, onion, carrot, garlic (of course) spring onion . We then add the broccoli, beansprouts and mushrooms and GrandDad did the Nana’s Szechuan beef and julienne cucumber on the grill . This had been marinading all day. When the beef was ready we put in the rice noodles

Sammy stayed for diner – Beastie loved sitting with him and learning new Spanish words and he loves their hair that Nana did. She also did all the gates for him when he left. Then it was bedtime for Diaval and we watched the 4th episode of Sir David Attenborough’s The Perfect Planet ( may leave the 5th – the most dangerous species on the planet - Human’s and the destruction and damage we are doing) Then shower and another chapter with GrandDad



Day 32

Tuesday Aug 9th

After breakfast I took Beastie down to the arena and we bought Champ in and tacked him up and GrandDad watched Diaval and watched The Iron Giant before GrandDad had to start work and I would help him draw his castle / kingdom with an old steam train and his teleporter machine – which is all going to be built on the ranch with GrandDad helping with the science stuff. Next to the castle he is going to build me a Purple and black witch’s hair cut shop for cool kids only. He had a brainstorming session the night before while in the bath and I had to remember it all and write it all down for him.

Beastie had a really good lesson, and is remembering the pointers on body position, body language and emotion through the butt in the saddle. She has decided she prefers the western horse whispering and not the English saddle , so once her legs are longer I can adapt my one – maybe next year and I’ve given her, her to do list till next summer on muscles and exercise to work with horse-whispering in the saddle

When we got back it was get changed and to the table and get it ready for projects and I could work with Diaval once the movie had finished

I stuck some card together so we could do a bigger picture and plan . He loves Uncle Jay’s books on castles and is learning on how to read and look at a book carefully – especially old ones

I drew the outline of a big castle, a train and the drawbridge and the rest was up to him to add whatever else he needed, encouraging imagination to paper and also discussion working on speech and sentence structure. We did this thru the day as a project not a quick lesson

At lunchtime we out on HP2 and Beastie and I colored and drew and by end of movie it was time to go and do the porridge and chuckit, but Diaval had fallen asleep so woke him up after his powernap of 15 mins, which made a huge difference to rest of the night too. (wish they’d work on me!)

Then we did some more Kingdom and then dinner with a movie (Journey to center of the earth) bath / shower and bed with another chapter done of White dragon!


Day 33

Wednesday Aug 10th

After breakfast we got busy with the moss rock we collected a couple of days ago and sorted out the roses area under the deck

When we had done the planned area I decided to do the whole lot and I dud up the rest of what I had done 10 yrs ago and redo it all then the kids removed all of the asphalt chunks and filled the holes Dozer had dug under the deck (Gopher hunting and mining!)

A few pieces short so I knew of an area where we could find some nearby and we went to get those

Now completed, it looks so much better and tidy too – mainly to stop the soil washing downhill if it rains plus the snowmelts

Then back inside wash hands and do diary and coloring - Diaval adding more to his kingdom / teleport / train - for aslong as focus would allow so enough time to get lunch sorted out for them The afternoon was rewatch Finch and then a game of scrabble and Diaval went for a lay down and he slept for a good 90mins - I did have to wake him so we could get some ranch chores done outside , then porridge and chuckit. The kids read boos while I got dinner ready and we watched the minions new movie before showers and bed - I was exhausted - as I rewatched the Minions movie haha



Day 34

Thursday Aug 11th

Not much to report on today, as Beastie and I went to town and Diaval stayed with GrandDad (as laptop tech was due to arrive at the house this morning with new parts) So they went looking for Quartz around the house

When we returned from town the technician was here and I prepared lunch for them and then did some coloring and drawing and Diaval read some of Uncle Jay’s books on castles and knights and trains

Diaval went for a siesta and zonked out quickly for a couple of hours and Beastie and I sat and did some more art and chatted and pottered about doing bits and pieces until I woke Diaval to come outside and help feed the horses and play chuckit and then help me in the kitchen for dinner prep . All normal routine stuff before bath and bed

Day 35

Friday Aug 12th

After breakfast and before GrandDad left for town we sat and did coloring and drawing and time to boost Diaval’s pen skills by learning how to draw 3 basic shapes – square, circle and triangle – using the dot method to start. Then using the shapes to create a picture and then adding things to picture. Fpcus, watch Nana, you do it on yours. Once focused he can do it

We then went outside, and I bought in Dakota and Champ to lawnmower ans Beastie and I covered them in bug lotion and then kids played on rocks and games with pine cones. Then they wanted a race and exercise – which I recorded .. run to the barn, touch door, shout I’m here to me and run back. No point saying who won – and even Dozer and Barney went too.

This bought us to lunchtime followed by more steampunk coloring for Beastie and reading books and having a nap for Diaval . Beastie and I then watched the minions movie again (its so good) She then helped me prep dinner – Snags and Mash and then we all did porridge and chuckit. we were all ready for sleep after dinner and movie and another chapter - all exhausted



Day 36 and 37

Saturday Aug 13th and Sunday 14th Aug

After Diaval had his breakfast – double waffles and strawberries and a bow of 2 yogurts, we did some lesson work while everyone was still asleep. I prepared the page of dots – No Nana, No more dots. Ok, next page and drew the box set up for copying instead. At first a few complaints and tried to negotiate but after the 2nd letter he was in full swing – even erasing mistakes, that we both said were not good enough, try again and redoing them. He completed the alphabet , checked any for mistakes and he was done. No more dots and onto solo pencil control. We sounded out each letter as he was doing them, thinking of words that start with their phonetic sound too

Beastie got up next and he showed her , she was shocked and amazed After she had her breakfast we got dressed and down to the barn. We did all the water troughs and hay for the horses. Diaval loves using my big rake and tidied the barn as Beastie and I loaded up the 6by for each feeder We then sorted out clothes and laundry and hung them out together.

Time to get the cases sorted out and ready for packing tomorrow

Inbetween chores, child belongings and sorting they colored, read books and Beastie also went with GrandDad to the mail box 10 miles away aswell

After lunch we were all feeling pooped, the weather was heavy and muggy with a storm building. Diaval went for a lay down and Beastie and I colored watching a Charlie Chaplin with both of us dozing off Dinner was left over night so no prep tonight so we just chillaxed for the rest of the night

Sunday 14th August

Last day – as I will not be able to do this to close - due to laptop in pieces on a tray (the fan has died, pieces wont be here till end of august as firs one was bent and tech had to reorder – so relying on my phone here to do most of this and a very old laptop to copy word docs, gkey and fingers crossed) and the travel starting tonight at 1.45am! (ugh dreading this – stupid frontier airline – only twice a week nd departure at 6am - coming back on different airline)

Day 37

The day’s plan is surprise day – as it’s the last – Beastie has been saying regularly that she is really gutted that she will miss seeing Auntie Ana and Dan (as she wants to hug her and thank her properly for doing her fox and willow tree that I had commissioned last year for her) But die to space, no free beds or rooms, we couldn’t do it and they’ll be here and meeting me at the airport when I land back on Tuesday.

So today Alan is driving to Denver, collecting Ana and Dan and bringing them up to the ranch. We will be packing going round the house finding anything that’s theirs and getting ready - he’s also detouring to the farm store to get me some more hanging baskets too – which is where GrandDad is going go - nudge nudge wink wink say no more

Later on its strip Beastie’s bed down and she is sleeping with me on the recliner sofas (huge grin when this was explained) due to me getting her up at 1am and easier (Diaval is just pick up asleep and put in jeep) and then prep bed for DanAna. So a very busy non stop and exciting day ahead .. I’ll get pics etc and add them by end of the week if I can



Quick & Final Entry

Sunday was a few things of 6by and doing the trash, coloring, diary and stripping down Beastie’s bed as she was sleeping with me fully dressed tonight - GrandDad left early to get the surprise and be home by lunchtime – which was Auntie Ana and Uncle Dan - we planned it o they could see each other before I took them back - Beastie had said a few times that she really wished she could have seen here – so a wonderful surprise for her

Dinner was huge Prime Rib – which Beastie had never had before and her face on the first bite was brilliant – oh my gosh its so creamy and soft to eat – needless to say the huge prime rib roast was vanished in this meal!

Bedtime was early as we had to leave by 1.30am – this was not a fun experience!

Got a few pics of the airport and also I have Beastie my phone and she got some amazing photos out of the window - really quite stunning

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Jul 12, 2022

Thanks Uncle Chris <3

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