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Writer's pictureClaire

Beastie Time

Updated: Aug 15, 2020

August 4th

Day 1

I was awake at 1.30am - when Sophie & Beastie boarded the plane - then i couldn't get back to sleep - so excited I surprised her in the airport - (I was doing a pull up and go but brilliantly organized for Francis to come back and get our trailer,so he watched the puppies for me) I parked and they were at baggage claim and as it was empty I just called out Beastie , she was so shocked and then ran shouting Nana and into my arms for a swing around hug The journey home was bad for her tho - the red-eye flight hangover, no sleep, high altitude adjustment plus she apparently gets car sick! so alot of stopping after we helped Francis with hooking up the trailer and he then headed back to Dubois, she went for a lay down and had a 4 hr nap at 11am and flat out till 3pm The weather was quite stormy but we went to check the horses, hay and water, plus we had some fun on the 6yby - which she is now addicted too and loves wanting to go fast, then as the storm hit , it was movies, nail painting and stories (Maleficent , of course, and then Labyrinth, which she has never seen) lots of cuddles and talking Bed was around 10 after a few stories  - I was flat out till 5 and she is still asleep.

I've been busy before she wakes. Got a few pics printed for her to start her diary .. think today after she's done yday's entry, its hair color, painting and drawing. rock climbing and of course 6by time!

Day 2

After a long sleep, she was raring to go - so first was breakfast then out we went on te 6by adventure - she loves it - especially going fast We went down the canyon looking at all the rock formations, trees, thistles and to her surprise she found a full deer skull with antlers - she was so happy but it will stay here and it will be her treasure find When we got to the bottom of the ranch we saw alot of pretty Aspens and the bark was beautiful - she said it looked like Jareth's hair (Labyrinth) We came back up slowly , as we stayed with Cookie for most of the uphill climb but I did promise the fast part when we were up top Then it was bubble bath and wash hair to do the main Nana thing she wanted me to .. Blue & Green hair - So vinyls went on and after about 90 mins I had finally got the design she wanted - stripes! Her face was amazing when I had finished and it was dry - pics are all on her page - BEASTIE After the the fun it was time for lunch and drink and Labyrinth again! I think she likes it haha After she had her movie it as time for Art stuff.

First her Diary entry for yesterday - I print photos tat I've taken and she sticks them in her diary and writes a short description of what we did that day .. so Nana - aka Pre School Teacher Miss Claire is activated, working on penmanship and control . I also printed some pictures for us to do together. A couple of hours of chatting and talking about drawing and different ways of coloring and practice is always the important part of everything to be good at it Another huge hail rain thunderstorm too - So good to get the moisture finally This bought us up to the dog's dinner time, so we did some singing and dancing while we waited for the hour after food rule. (Dogs) We then went down to see the horses , cookie bucket included. So onto the 6by - she has now been promoted to gear shift operator - we first had to give the horses hay, So Dakota and Champ first - the she gave them all cookies , as all 4 joined up at the two gates. Giggles and she then realized how big these guys actually are - and how much they love cookies too!

Day 3

I had to get Beastie up fed and watered earlier today as I had to go to FoCo. Soon as we got back it was time to get busy and make something for a wedding (2 of her toys) So while I got creative and Miss Claire head was on, Beastie did her diary entry and I made an archway for her. (pics on her page) Sadly by the time we had finished it the thunderstorm arrived - she wants to wedding on the deck so we waited but the storm lasted a very long time. We did some more art stuff together and talking alot and Labyrinth on again - throughout the day she is singing one of the songs over and over! We did some searching on planets and the ones we could see at night from the ranch - aswell as stars and the milky way and then I told her about the ISS and how it got up there and sometimes it goes across the ranch - i looked at the ISS schedule route and it was due to go over at 9pm last night Sadly tho it was too cloudy and our little astronomy session on the deck at night did not go to plan! We'll keep trying

Day 4

Had to wake the sleep monster at 10! As I had a PT session . So after she had breakfast it was gather up her colors and books to take with us.

First some groceries - she chose her own fruit . She sat with me and the puppies at Caroline' and they chatted constantly all the way through as I was being worked on - and Caroline now has to watch Labyrinth ! Before leaving town, I did the "What happens at Nana's stays at Nana's and thought of a fun treat for her being so good while i had my appointment The invented Nutella, Mint Choc Chip Ice-cream with chocolate syrup drizzle - oh my goodness she wolfed tat down and had another! and still hungry! Plus Labyrinth (4)

so fruit or veg was next on the menu! So with her new body full of power, it was time for the wedding She asked for a broom and swept the deck. Then she went into full action - special dress on and straight into it. The wedding is on my Videos 2020 page - both Sophie and I thought she was going into the scene from Princess Bride and Peter Cook

After the ceremony and her festivities - it was Diary and art while Nana got on with sewing - I'll post if it works as I have never done it before - especially all hand stitch

Then out for a walk and Ayli now throws the ball for Barney - who now shadows her everywhere and then it was time for dinner and a movie then a long call home telling them about everything she has done so far and how much fun it is here. Even showed them her diary and how Nana is a better teacher and makes doing writing and work fun ! Alot of laughs and no gloom which is brilliant - we both went to bed late and extremely tired

Day 5

It was a work morning today as all the horses needed bug lotion on and also move pastures (I do this every 2-3 weeks depending on rainfall and grass) I did Tink and Shoni while she was sleeping as they're next to the house plus those two are younger and not so laid back! Beastie helped doing the lotion on Dakota , who was so patient with her and kept watching to see what she was doing .

Champ was really calm and luckily I asked Beastie to being legs with her, so she grabbed her leggings and put them on. I then saddled Champ up - her face was brilliant that she was going to be riding a huge horse We had been talking about how my horses are different and all horse whispered and thats why they are such cuddle bugs all of the time As I was getting everything on Champ she could not believe how heavy and huge the saddle was and was alarmed when she saw no metal going into his mouth . Another quick lesson that my horses will never have bits , as that means they have to have 4 teeth taken out of their mouths - they need those teeth to eat. plus it hurts them alot when they are pulled back too much - she did it to herself and agreed it hurt alot and said that it was brilliant that I love my horses that much and make them happy horses and was asking more and more about horse whispering - I foresee this being a topic of discussion when she goes for her next pony lesson hahaha!

So we took Champ down to the arena and round pen and I showed her what it is. Champ going in directions I tell him to go not with words, lunge reins or whips but my hand and body movements and if I stop moving they stop moving, turn to look at me and then smack and lick their lips. She was amazed on how I did that . After working Champ for a few minutes, as you never get on straight away as you don't know their mood. I put Beastie on Champ, taught her how to hold the rope from the latigo with one hand , other on your knee and then i lead her around a few times until Champ understood what I was asking him to do.

More pics on her Beastie page

He was so good with her, gentle and slow and head low , so i then attached the rope back to Champ, sneaky cookie for being good and then i asked him to follow me , out of the round pen into the arena .He did a fantastic job, near the end he did see the open gate of the arena and turned - Beastie then said "Nana, he's looking at gate for a quick escape" and giggled

So back to the round pen as I wanted to try something with him. The last time I rode was quite a while ago, I wasn't healthy or compos mentis either and he knew , trying to get me off and playing up. Got on, he tried it on for quite a while "Nana, you better get off he prefers me because I'm smaller , let me get back on and try!" I said she would be having another turn but I can't get off if he is playing up because then the next time he will do it. Always get off when the horse has done a good job.. it didn't take long, I felt better and more in control Another ten minutes for Beastie as the temperature was climbing fast and he needed more water . So we led Champ back to the barn - Beastie on top, unsaddled Champ and then took Dakota and Champ to the new pasture She gave them both cookies because you have to - they're all cookie monsters! Plus they did great job with her Got back to the house with the 6-by - as the gates were open, it was a fast ride around the track - she is obsessed with the 6-by and we have to go on it everyday The afternoon was stay inside as it so hot , but she did have a warm bubble bath and I washed her hair a few times and all remnants of the hair color is out but she loved the blue bubble bath after that. Then it was lessons time - handwriting and working out how to spell words . She has improved alot since being here. She has said I am a wonderful teacher and make it all fun , help her with the intricate parts (her words) and I make her think and definitely better than her teacher ! - that melted my heart Rest of the day was coloring and drawing while i finished the sewing - it didnt work - it was a dress out of a satin pillow case - the dress worked but it was too tight and small.. so now Im doing something easier - another pillow case is now in use Dinner was ribs and corn and Labyrinth (5) and then Winnie the Pooh while waiting for Poppa to call. Then it was do teeth, bathroom and bed - with a story - we she half had to read to me! She went to sleep very happy , hot but happy

Day 6

This morning after Beastie had breakfast it was outside for a hike around the ranch and rock climbing ! Needed to do this before it got too hot we went up past Pet Cemetary and up into he big rock formation so a good hike for about an hour - definitely enough for her with the heat and altitude adjustment . Lots of big boulders to climb and she was so amazed with how far she could see from some of the highest points and where she looked it was Nana's and GrandDad's ranch Then we spent the afternoon coloring and painting plus diary entry she then wanted braided hair as she is desperate for her hair to be long again and she wanted twisty hair like mine after I wash and dry it in braids ! dinner was Nana's homemade burgers and then movie in (Harry Potter 3) while she sat and colored before bedtime

Day 7

After breakfast we did a very quick early trip to town to get some supplies and bits to finish the skirt. plus Nana got her a sparkly jacket and a top to go with it . We got back and time to get busy First I laid all of Francis's star wars vehicles and characters out for her while I finished the skirt - I'm impressed with myself and glad the dress didn't work! Beastie played Star Wars and she asked for Episode 6 to be on ! Then I made some cookies inbetween and mad her some lunch Once the skirt was finished it was art time - she then decorated the waist band with jewels she picked out and some silver glitter glue for fabric to make a pattern around the hem - using a very fine brush as she wanted to be intricate! So he front is now done, we'll do the back tomorrow and it will be ready to wear Wednesday - I think we have her going home outfit on!

After the skirt we did yesterday's diary entry, working harder on control and placement plus Nana has added in spelling and breaking down the word herself instead of me saying it Then more coloring and art After dinner my Dad called and we had a quick chat with Pops in Australia , then we watched something special - The Mandalorian! She had heard about Baby Yoda but had not seen it. We had to watch 2 episodes , but i'm sure the other episodes will be watched before she returns home.

seeing Baby Yoda for the first time

Alan is currently in El Centro in CA, near the Mexican border setting up another project he has lined up for another company . He will leave there Wednesday and start the drive back home, plus now having to find a quick turnaround covid test that guarantees 72hr results on the way. He should be home Thursday night for a day with Beastie before they both fly to Anchorage !

Day 8

Beastie woke full of beans. Running out of her room shouting Nana and running for a big hug After breakfast it was get dressed and we went outside as we had work to do Both sets of horses needed hay and their water troughs filling up. She was loving the cuddles and attention they were giving her . She was trying to do butt scratches but I can't lift as well as I used to plus she needed stronger fingers for them to feel it She was alarmed about te dogs chasing bunnies and why I wasn't stopping them , so explaining about real nature, ranch-life and the damage they do to the barn , electrics and hay bales ad they're dogs and that's what they do. After Dakota and Champ had everything they needed,it was load up the 6-by with more hay and take it up to Tink and Shoni. First grabbing the hosepipe and starting the trough. I filled up the feeder with hay and it was cuddle time again while the water filled up.

She then asked to go on the 6-by fast - so we dd the track 3 times (Barney running along side, Oscar waited by the house and Cookie by the garage laying down watching!) The giggles and screams were brilliant After the horses were all done it was straight to do the skirt - she then decorated the back and then straight to to the diary and handwriting practice - she now knows when she has made a mistake and erases and redoes the letter After diary it was coloring and more Mandalorian while she had lunch A big storm came in so no more outside stuff for a while, so we sat and colored and chatted for most of the afternoon with music on Whilst doing dinner she went outside and threw the ball for Barney - she loves the throwing device and has a great time with him doing that and wears him out too

After dinner she saw her dress was all dry so on it went - the full outfit. I had bought her a little sparkly white jacket and top to go with it. She put it all on and it stayed n till bedtime. She is so happy with it and I'm relieved it all worked as I've never done it before We both went to bed exhausted after a very good day indeed

Day 9

More of a chill out day die to the ranch being covered in smoke. so a quick trip to town, supplies for Granddad's favorite meal , then it was arts and writing and playing and nothing on the 'to-do' list Coloring, diary and then she finally painted my nails - she had been waiting to do them ever since she landed and saw how long they were so a quiet day just hanging out

Day 10

Today was a fun and busy day Soon as breakfast was done,it was outside and do hay and water for the horses but before that we bought Champ in so she could ride again before going home I rode him for a few minutes to test his mood, he was brilliant and Beastie had a great time Afterwards she groomed and combed his mane, and I took a piece of his mane so she could take it home as a memory Then after feeding them all we got changed and back outside - water the plants and a water fight - both of us were drenched - hosepipes and water blaster The dogs then noticed a squirrel up a tree and then solidly guarded the base waiting - everytime the squirrel came down Beastie decided to protect it by using the hosepipe- now Barney just stinks!

After lunch we just chilled out and GranDdad was nearly home. I had already done dinner so it was out the way and staying warm . When he pulled up she was so excited - hugs and smiles and after he had something to eat and adjust - it was PLAY time! Star Wars first and then outside to throw ball for Barney - Alan came back in and told me to close all the windows - there's a forest fire closeby and big. so ball wasn't for long. So back inside for more GrandDad time - conversations about science, working out big questions about why the squirrel always comes onto the deck to drink exactly at 6pm everynight etc

Dinner was at the table chatting all the way through. Afterwards was Empire Strikes back and ice-cream then it was bedtime with a few stories - I was close behind and Alan had a big conference call at 9pm! It was a brilliant day

Day 11

The last day :( After we got back from town it was lunch then bathtime for Beastie - plus hairwash as there was something she had been waiting for for a week and that was wavy hair like Nana's I think there are about 40 tiny braids in her hair and nearly 2.5hrs of tiny braiding but finally she is all ready for 2moro - after she did her diary for the last time , her case was packed and officially all ready to go. Still no test result and after a lot of annoyance, finally Beastie and alan are sitting next to each other on the plane and then the OTT form filing and government control BS that so many have accepted as normal ignorant life now but we certainly wont and no test result for Alan yet for him to be 'allowed' to fly! So finally we were able to relax and get dinner sorted and done.A good last meal and all calm and happy while watching Charlie & the Chocolate factory before we were all done in and exhausted for the day

Early start tomorrow and luckily Alan is taking her back thru all the paranoid drama surrounding everything and enveloping a stressful process anyway, altho he is utterly exhausted, he will be returning sunday night on the infamous red-eye and will be back Monday morning

So there will be an hour of mad dash before they leave - plus Nana also as 40 braids to undo! I woke them both at 6am - then its waffles, get dressed, check room for missing toys, load up Big Red and head out. there wasn't enough coffee !

It's been amazing finally being a real and tactile Nana , so many laughs, giggles and fun days together and she has adored her time with us, never once homesick, just totally immersed into life on the ranch with us and it is something new everyday and very special.

Really missing this face and they only just left

GrandDad meeting Diaval (his nickname)

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