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Writer's pictureClaire

Change of pace

Updated: Sep 23, 2020

(Fences & Oscar segments updated )

A few new changes to what's happening here . We're back to sunny days and chilly at night. the past week Alan and I have been doing some outside work as next door's bulls keep busting through the fence and coming to our place, destroying fences, gates, flower beds, the ranch in general. The owner is not exactly the easiest person to communicate with either - Alan's been fixing fence sections, they bust thru another area or owners come get them opening up a section but not putting it back so they come thru again. Yesterday we both went and made that section permanent so neighbors have no free access to our place. We have spoken to the brand inspector , we are a fence out state but he also has a responsibility to watch his stock, but as the bulls are not branded then all he can do is advise us . So documentation and legal steps as there is a statute for nuisance animals . So frustrating (updated) We do have legal recourse against the neighbors for damages to property and the grazing. The attorney is preparing the paperwork - i have all screenshots and photographs ready - today Alan & Francis are spending the day rebuilding and repairing - i can't help due to watching Oscar and also Lessons with Beastie

Alan is no longer working for the company that merged, transition period only it seemed. Jay is working up there, the Head Geo will keep Jay on as he is a hard worker and extremely reliable. We will be seeing him shortly as he will be driving back Alan's work truck and trailer, loaded up with all of Alan's belongings too then we'll fly Jay to Idaho Falls for him to return to work . He needs a break and a few day away from working

Alan is still working tho, he has fingers in pies everywhere and firstly will be going to El Centro in CA and will be heading that project for now.I think that's planned for next week

He's having a real break first and he needs to relax and unwind after this year's chaos

well, kind of, next on the honey-do list is be a wonder mechanic - my 6by died again :( (I use this daily for the horses, hay and fence repairs - so we've been carrying everything up to the areas , mainly Alan - its not light equipment!) So as the shop in town can't get to fix it for 2 weeks, the 6by is in parts in the garage . He may have found the problem already so fingers crossed, he's picking that part up today 20th) It wasn't that , so spaghetti junction wire hunt. after several ours he found the problem a wire that goes from ignition switch to starting motor had snapped. so he has fixed it and very pleased and relieved as that saves a $1000+ repair yay)

Additional :: When Alan got back from pt I went open the last gate and the bulls had pushed thru a gate and post near the house so that whole fence line needs redoing..then we tried to get them back into that field but oh no they busted and bought down another fenceline

So then text to neighbor's because they didn't get them when we told them to, stating we're now seeking legal representation for nuisance animals , damages to property, eating and destroying our garden area and damage to our environment pissing match ensued's our fence, keep out state blah blah.. cows have more laws protecting them than our property and life (they're fucking dangerous)

60% of the ranch is natural and wild , for wildlife, seeds, nature and trees etc and the damage they've done is ridiculous. They're somewhere in the ranch still. Fuck knows where . Alan said there's a gate at the bottom of our property that goes into Colorado he may go open that and push them thru.

So now we have to redo the whole fenceline adjacent to asshole neighbors and reinforce it .. then repair the fences around the house , as I had to go catch Tink and Shoni as they ran out when the bulls went berserk. Alan took over the texting as I was ready to go spastic (the husband who I had been dealing with passed on responsibility to his wife as he must have got sick and tired if me texting saying his cows were on my property every week) They're stating - fence out and it's our fence .. but it sucks where the law here favors the stock not people's home...and cows do not need permission to graze on private property! wtf .. but we can bill for boarding and food

shall see what the attorney's say on Tuesday (I have all screenshots of text conversations and photographs of damage too)

Oscar - aka Wolfie / Foofie - Mozart's nickname)

Oscar had to have surgery last Friday, as a huge mass grew on his leg, as there was no fluid from it , it had to come out/off. he already has fatty masses , like Barney does and no concern but this mass appeared within a few days.

The mass when removed was not normal looking and was disgusting so it has to be sent off for analysis - should get the results soon As most of you know Oscar has ptsd from his life before he was rescued , so this was extremely traumatic for him. He can't have a cone of shame either as that would really freak him out and would really cause additional trauma for him .

So we really have to watch him, he is dying to pull out the stitches, so it's big bandaids , gauze, stretchy bandage instead, longer to heal but now the top 2 stitches have busted thru the skin layers and it's open. The largest part of the leg where the muscles move the most

So yesterday it was superglue, butterfly strips and see what happens. he's not doing too good this morning, throwing up etc so if he's the same 2moro then it's back to the vets. Good job I hardly sleep so I can nurse and watch him thru the night - last night was a long night. Typical as today is Beastie Zoom day too - going to need alot of mega strong coffee now

(After publishing this blog - Alan was up for 10 minutes and he's taken him back to the vets, if superglue can't hold it due to the muscle moving all the time, then has to be redone properly) Update for Oscar - The vet redid the stitches and Alan went back to town to get him after pt. Oscar now has a donut (thanks Melissa for telling me about them <3) Alan stopped countless times on way home as Oscar was pulling it off - he doesn't have a neck, so everything comes off easily - When they got home I attached it to a collar as it loops on the inside - so another expensive day. but if you leave the room then he'll try remove the donut and get to the leg

I have just changed the dressing ( Saturday) and it's healing properly and fresh gauze and bandage on . No biopsy results yet but there are more lumps growing :(

UPDATE 22nd Sept:: Oscar has a low grade metastasizing cancer. 2 more lumps have formed since the surgery. If a mass reforms in the incision then it will be a 2nd grade cancer. If this happens we have decided that there will be no more trauma, surgeries or treatment for him as this would be too traumatic for him and we rather he have a good end of life. Once his wag stops and he is starting to struggle with everything then we know what we need to do But this may or may not happen , it could be months or years. No one knows but for now he is happy, eating and is itching to get outside and chase things

I'm still awaiting to hear from Neuro #4 - Dr Breeze - Neuro #1 has sent my referral 3 times now - so somewhere along the ether something isn't working - seems to be the new normal with the specialists and world this year as paranoia takes over . So soon as I get first contact maybe I can finally be on the road to being pain-free and have my face back to normal

For your records - just in case - I have set up 2 new emails for us via the website - sadly still connected to google (ugh - didn't know that until paid for it - typical) but we are now using them Alan ::

19th - Francis got home last and is here for the week :D

and because this is an amazing picture - My beautiful daughter Ana and Dan - aka D'Ana

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