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Writer's pictureClaire

Claire's Xmas came early!

Since August / September , Alan + his friend Sergio (aka Paddington) spent 2 months to locate what was needed,for my Xmas present, alot of backwards and forwards on emails/text and hunting! Sergio has an amazing music setup in his basement, it blew me away when I saw / heard it . So the idea was hatched and as my vinyl passion was rekindled and I had already started building up my missing collection from the UK

(I had 600+ 33's & 45s to which all have 'disappeared ' from where they were being kept for me!)

So Sergio kindly did the hunting, as he knew more about what, where and how Once all was ordered and complete , it was then work out when they would both be free for Sergio to come stay the night and put it all together for me. Which is hard to do when both are in the same line of work! Then it was the build up to my Xmas! November 1st. So excited as I didn't know what I was in store for and Sergio was just as excited :) On Nov 1st Sergio came up to the ranch - he bought his puppy Cally too! and I had cooked most of the day for the banquet food for the night.. A Ham, Leg of Lamb, Hot pepper jam, bread et al .. and there was loads of wine too! Which I enjoyed as the boys bought in all the boxes (SO MANY!) and started unpacking and Sergio went to work!

Sergio bought & donated the turntable into the present for me ( and I traded a huge box of Lego and a batch of marmalade - hence his nickname Paddington) It took hours , the turntable was the tricky part - leveling, adjusting, balancing and the weights. but something wasn't working properly , but the set up worked with my old least we knew where the problem was and by 9pm I had gone into a wine coma was out for the count till morning - first time I had slept so many hours in a very long time (insomniac and maybe 2hrs a night) In the morning, the boys went to Fort Collins, Co; to my favorite store - Bizarre Bazaar - 2nd hand vinyl and book store and they also do rebuilds and repairs on turntables! I stayed back with the puppies and was not feeling well! The store had sorted the problem quickly and they rushed back (after going to the wine store) as Sergio by now was chomping at the bit to get it all working , he was not a happy Paddington after the night's battle with trying to find the problem . They hooked and connected everything and it works amazingly. I could not believe the sound , even from my 60+yr old vinyls sounded brilliant. I have never heard such clarity and quality of sound! Since then - my vinyls are playing ! Sergio and Cally left mid afternoon and He's already down for helping to relocate the setup and the words "upgrading" kept popping up too! I'm in a new world of Audio! Next step is to get another table , as I want the Amp next to the turntable, so I can see the bulbs glow but mainly for keeping it cooler and then Alan will make shelves for my vinyls in Cherry wood to match the speakers too - that's after the Xmas next month! and also relocate it all . I'm still thinking on that!

Custom made table + cables Jean Marie Reynaud BLISSJubilé Speakers and MagicStand II Pre amp + QuickSilver Amp and Rega P 3 turntable

(more under the picture segment

(NB :: reason for Wine coma so early is that for the past 2 months so far, the day I took my Dad to the airport, I have been fighting a massive sinus infection in every sinus pocket. First round of antibiotics worked for a week and it all flared back up instantly. So back to the doc and another but longer course of another antibiotic- which worked for a week then while still taking the course flared up again. So it was finish the course and see what it was going to do and as Alan was home for a while, we decided to detox from the Abs and also the decongestants , as after research they both did the rebound affect of the first batch of meds I was given. SO last week was detox week. but it flared up and I started to do daily saline rinses before we venture into the medical path of ENT .. So as of today its wait

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