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Writer's pictureClaire

Fall was on a weekend

Things have been busy around the ranch and alot going on around the area too. Mainly smoke! It stops me from being outside, causes TN flares and now winter systems have been on and off which helps reduce that luckily, as I have to be outside to do the horses every day! Weather wise its cold but sunny most days with wind and a few snow systems have come thru but nothing major if anything at all. So Fall was on a weekend as all the leaves blew off soon as they changed color! There have been alot of new fires starting in the past week in Colorado with all the winds - hitting up to 85mph here - the main one now is East Troublesome. That one is growing and spreading really quick and looks like it may join up with Cameron Peak fire. But alot of the Rocky Mountain National Park is either on fire or at high risk of being so

Fire Updates as of Oct 24th

Mullen - 176, 878 Acres (Wyoming)

Cameron - 207,464 Acres

East troublesome - 188,389 Acres

A graphic I made, the red/yellow star on top image is the ranch and shows all the fires near us and including Utah

Link to all the fires if interested :: (scroll the header map to go to each fire and details

Around the ranch (the picture album below covers all of this by the way

Shoni is healing well, he has had the stitches removed and the broken skull area is in the right position and it will take months for the bone to calcify and grow both areas back together again . The horses are now free - (They were all in for a weather system that never emerged on wednesday..but now another one is due tonight.

I will be bringing the horses in every night as the Mountain Lion is still about. So daytime out in the pastures, night time into the corrals and all the lights will be on . So more cleanup and horse work daily , which luckily I enjoy doing - prefer exercise with a purpose and doing something anyway

Oscar is doing ok - his cancer lumps flare up and down - mainly on his face above the eyebrows - that lump alternates which side to swell up every couple of days each side

Sunday (18th) I made the Xmas cake , so that's all done and ready for it's weekly alcohol soaking! Even tho Xmas will be a very quiet affair . I will be making my own mincemeat this year too for the first time - fingers crossed - found a recipe close to the Robinson's mincemeat with suet - yay - the runny sauce one is just way too sweet

But first Thanksgiving. Which again looks like a quiet one of maybe 2 or 3 of us. Alot of turkey leftovers coming up!

Alan returns from CA next weekend and he's bringing Sammy with him (his flight back home to Nicaragua was cancelled and rescheduled for 5th out of Denver). So he will be staying here for a few days. I've already worked out what meals to do - he's a foodaholic !

Last week the year's lamb arrived - 2nd year we have gotten a whole lamb from a guy in Salmon Idaho. The butcher there has prepped and Alan gave him a cooler , which when the lamb was ready, it was packed into the cooler with alot of icepacks and Fedex-ed to me So Shepherd's pie will be one of the meals! and one of the joints is Xmas dinner

I think Alan returns to CA on the 6th until Thanksgiving

Lessons with Beastie are going really well and alot of fun too. This month's lesson theme is Planets and Space. One of her presents from us was a model solar system. which she had to paint too. She loves it and is thoroughly enjoying lesson time with me. It shows too as she is getting smarter every time. Especially with Math. Next month is Human Biology - body, health, oxygen, senses etc. Plus we do regular handwritten letters to each other too to help with reading and writing and not everything has to be done on a computer/HHED etc

I'm still waiting for something from Neuro $ - messages left for the scheduler but no returns yet - so I'll be chasing their tails next week. It's getting beyond a joke now, since Sept 19th last year I have been in constant full facial pain and this year has just been let the sick people get sicker, beyond ridiculous now as their Hippocratic Oath has become the hypocritical oath

Baking/Cooking wise will be busy in the next 2 months - with TG and Xmas plus making more meals for Alan so the In The Kitchen photos will increase - when I'm on my own I don't bother as I hardly eat anyway and now I have a new phone this week there wont be any photos with black dots on the image too haha

That's it for now - I think

bye for now / Αντιο σας

I'm teaching myself a language , keeping brain active

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