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Writer's pictureClaire

Francis Updates

Updated: Apr 13, 2021

Francis is currently working for Rockhead llc (Alan's company) as a Geo Tech He is in Dubois, Idaho working inbetween 2 projects - Oakley and Kilgore He will send me pics for the website and updates that I will put in here for you

From Francis Jay last week in May

"Well the dust storms messed everything up with us having to blaze out of there.

That caused us to almost hit a hawk that had caught a snake. Then there was coming down onto the truck and then we're going to Burley and running into another dust storm. Then the day before I hit the dirt road when we had a pair of F-16s fly over our heads. So it's been an interesting couple of days out here"

They also found horny toads

June 10 Francis back to work again now that his knee has recovered and they are working at Kilgore (hour away from the office in Dubois where Jay stays most of the time - even his bed etc is up there!) So he is now part of a crew and on the drives up and down he is also back to writing (finally!)

This is the Kilgore project and what they are working in at the moment

I will update this as he sends stuff to me

Jay drove back up to the office in Big Red alone last Monday (13th July). It's a 9hr drive and he did it in one.

Here's his update ... "The weeks been good, been busy and have been moving constantly since I got here. Got back Monday, Tuesday I headed down to Oakley to pick up samples from that project. Wednesday I drove down to Wells, Nevada to drop off the samples, then drove back to the office. Day after that went out to the field with Connor and prospected, so out in the we were up in the mountains doing that. Friday picked up our other geo from the Idaho Falls airport and today (18th) ,we went out to the field and prospected. We have found a couple specs of gold here and there too.

So it's been a busy few days down here. it's been interesting out here.

Alot of fun though, constantly doing something"

This was taken at Kilgore looking across the range

Francis and Geo Ben up at Kilgore - working hard and posing of course!

April 13th 2021

A few changes since I last updated December 2020 Jay returned from Idaho - he is now living in Laramie in his own place, organized his own utilities and has really taken his life up a notch in independence He has a full time job for a construction company in town that he started in mid March - nothing to do with us, he did this on his own and is happy .. we're so proud of what he has achieved and the best thing he did was leave UW and he has started to write again too He comes out to the ranch every weekend to help me out with the horses and texts me often to see how I am, especially when Alan is away.

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