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Writer's pictureClaire

“It's supposed to be jolly, with mistletoe and holly... and other things ending in olly.”

The only Xmas movie that matters in our house! The Hogfather by Sir Terry Pratchett - if you haven't seen, read or heard of this then you are really missing out on a brilliant Xmas movie

Well December is off to a weird start for us Alan is still in El Centro and will be back the weekend before Xmas

Francis was home for 2 weeks , time off and also to get an MRI done on his knee . He returned to Dubois on Friday (4th) We also spent those 2 weeks apartment hunting for him in Idaho Falls as no-one was allowed to stay in the office anymore , So 30+ apartments found, we contacted them all and not one reply or call back. unbelievable and so frustrating. After the 9hr drive he got to the office and was told 4 days of work left and hand over your keys. Which means only one thing. He'll be coming back home wednesday ( 9th) with a uhaul I contacted a friend of mine in Laramie and he has a vacancy on one of his properties so Francis will go look at that wednesday night or thursday . Then we'll take it from there

The week before I went to FoCo on Black Friday - expecting the worst with hoards, crowds and mania .. and it was empty. Everywhere. I was the only person in the stores . Bought a big recliner set as I still cannot sleep flat without extreme pain so this hopefully will help until I get surgery - They arrived on Friday. Jay and I moved out of the broken sofas, leaving 2 more inside.. and one I'll give to Jay for his place and its soooo much bigger than I thought it was in the showroom.. but feet recline and adjustable headrests. I'm still working out the positioning to sleep and not wake up after 2hrs with extreme TN pain

I have a zoom meeting with the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota on Dec 23rd with a neurologist (#6) and on Jan 6th a zoom meeting with a neurosurgeon (#3) so shall see how this goes ! I don't think i can take much more now , suffering is now 15 months solid 24-7 . so really hope that these guys will help me and do the surgery needed

No real plans for Xmas at all. The 3 of us and hopefully we can get Tana and West (and Grasshopper) over. This year it will be a KMM Turkey Roast! (As we didnt have TG)

So Alan is very excited about that.

I mailed up the Xmas presents for the GrandKids so thats all safely up there with them now and also Beastie's lessons for December. We still do every wednesday lessons as we have alot of fun together and so responsive to new challenges I add in each week , plus all lessons are built around a topic. First month was space, 2nd was human biology, diet, health and this month is animals (types, food vertabrates, omni/herbi/carni/ vores etc

now all left is do food and the Xmassie stuff to work on slowly .. im going to try my hand at my own mincemeat this year too

Horses are still coming in every night, they're used to it now and happy to come in when I call them. Especially Dakota. Her lameness is progressing. Very slow walking and unstable. She perks up when she sees me (mainly for the cookies I think) so she enjoys coming back in, no movement required to get to the food. She's still happy and eats well , my sweet baby girl

Shoni is healing well, he's still very skittish, no surprise there and more cuddly with me too. but all his wounds are healed, his skull seems to be in a good stage of fusing back together too and his sinus cavities have sealed up too so his breathing is back to normal

So with them coming in daily the corrals need cleaning out alot more, so every 2nd day I go down in the new toy and its always 2 bucket loads. Eat money and shit work as the saying goes! Least with the bucket i i can scrape it all loose in these temps and we haven't got to a real winter stage yet either

that's it for now :)

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