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Writer's pictureClaire

Let's get it sorted out 21 ... please !

Updated: Jan 4, 2021

Sunday 3rd January '21

Xmas was a quiet affair for us, as it was for everyone being told not do this that and the other Jay came over Xmas Eve and Alan made pizza (from scratch inc the base) I finished the Xmas Cake and then it was The Hogfather and wine and homemade Glühwein (I've just made my 5th batch of it last night *ahem* )

Xmas Day was exchange gifts and the Turkey feast - this pics are on my Xmas '20 page

I did the feast earlier than normal as Jay was heading back before dark. He's like me, doesn't like it due to astigmatisms - and I did the normal Claire sized feast anyway for 3 Alan did get me some things for under the tree.. first were handles for all the drawers and cupboards in the kitchen ..yay :D and the last box was a laser for my Glock. Which is because Ana's fiancé, Dan, gave me his that he used in compact (he is a Royal Marine) His Glock is a Mark 4 and mine is a 3 so it would not fit. So now I have a laser :D I got Alan a new mp3 player for the trucks because someone stole his ipod in CA . Some vinyls and the ultamate album that I have been searching for for 10 years - I finally found it.. Los Fabulosos Cadillacs - Vasos Vacios (Argentinian Ska) . Jay got me the Quadrophenia album and a book on Greek history 4-6th Century and he got a Alan a really cool WW2 book and another model kit - this time a Mitchell .. Jay's stocking was cooking utensils and we got him some books and also printed out 6 photos and framed them for his place

The next day its back to normal, there is no Boxing Day here, Alan decided he needed to fix the barn roof before the next wind storms hit over the weekend. One of the fiberglass skylights had ripped and blown off. So we found the pile of spare barn metal panels, which were annoyingly under a pile of frozen snow and mud (the cause of Dakota's retirement - more on that later)

I won't do heights so i was jcb controller and spotter , these pics are in the Xmas '20 page too. I love this machine so much. From scraping the corrals for cleanup, snow drift moving to elevating up to the roof of the barn. So cool. Alan was up on the roof for hours drilling and adding a lines of Gorilla tape around all the skylights until later this year when we will replace them all

The days in-between Xmas and New Year were the normal daily ranch stuff, home improvements for Alan on his "honey-do list" , I did baking for a care package for Dori in South Korea but the biggest thing was that my espresso machine died, as I was making Alan a cappuccino .. Serious and critical right! Alan tired for hours, he found the problem but had no clue how it has been working for the past month. So, it's in the hands of the guy who worked on it last for servicing in November before it became mine. I miss it terribly.

Even tho I still cannot taste or smell's visual concept of the coffee plus brain knows it's hard coffee , so I can function and saves other people's lives. I hope it comes back this week

As to the Rona - (this is the covid 19 / SARSv2 virus by the way - it was called Corona at first - see last blog) I'm still having relapses of severe up to the eyeballs congestion (today is one of them) , which then triggers a TN flare up. Nothing triggers it , just happens. I sometimes I get hints of something sharp or bitter, I think I even got a hint of orange from the Glühwein , not the spices as much yet. So bizarre doing all the cooking / baking and not tasting as I go along etc - so I have to call Alan for that, (especially with the mega turkey curry I made - it had all the leftovers in there - including the stuffing! )

No-one knows if or when I will get my senses back - my brain is trying hard to unravel that currently.

This Wednesday (6th) I have a zoom conference with a neurologist (#5) at the Mayo Clinic . Ive been doing all the questionnaires and they're submitted - bar one - 3 guesses the topic of it - the questions are open to interpretation mind you - but now I'm nervous..obviously - This is 16 months of 24-7 facial pain.. can you imagine that, and after last years paranoia from medical specialists (lawsuits mainly ) I finally am at the top of the chain of experts and now this .. conundrum ! Shall find out Wednesday I suppose. Alan will be home for this one which is brilliant - we'll have to figure out the 14th with the Neurosurgeon (#3) zoom meeting on getting Alan in on it , as he'll be in CA and the invite is for the household. May have to do some negotiating on this me thinks!

The New Year was very quiet - I did a meal for that night, Jay was staying over. During the day they did firewood, rearranged the big sofas.. now its in a much better position with the wedge facing the fire (no the tv). That night I did Prime Rib with official KMM's

Prime Rib was done in garlic butter , the KMM's were fried with bacon, garlic and oregano, then at the end the garlic butter remains were added as the Rib was resting

We didn't see in the new year because I fell asleep around 9pm and the boys didn't want to let off guns at midnight and wake me. Next day was firewood day again before Jay went back to town


Since she slipped on said metal barn panels earlier in 2011, when we moved in, as they were hidden in a pasture under snow that we didn't know about until it was too late, she has had problems with her left front shoulder. Luckily for her my riding her over the next 6-7yrs after that has been poor due to one illness/condition after the other. Two years ago she slipped and stumbled again, which we think was a gopher or badger hole under snow. Last year I went to train and ride her and nope, it wasn't happening as soon as I got on her. The vet has checked her and she has arthritis in that joint now. So last year I officially retired her at 20 yrs old - they can live up to 30+ here. Heart broken as I have hardly ridden her since having the ranch.

Over the past few months she has become slow and limps alot on that shoulder so last week we decided it was time for extra feed/supplements and anti-inflammatories. So on Friday I went onto after some research and on Tuesday the senior feed with additional Chondroitin, Glucosamine and Omega 3 bag, senior feed with molasses / pellets with vits and minerals plus some Butte anti-inflammatory chews will arrive and I am going to start both she and Champ on it every day , as I still ride Champ alot so the healthier he stays the better !

Dakota is 21 and Champ is 20 this year

I will never be able to ride Shoshoni - he has recovered so well, a few scars but his skittishness has increased (not surprisingly - read why here) but he cuddles with me alot more. So he will be unsafe to ride but I will still work him. So next one is Tinker (Jay's horse) He will be my next conquest starting this year - he has been trained for the saddle, now it's get him to comply and work on mutual trust!

Today is kitchen day - I will be doing this most of the week as Alan is heading out on the 10th or 11th , so time for bulk meals and freezing. There is already Xmas Curry but as I am out of big enough containers it will be pies and pasties this week!

I'll post pics as I do in "In The Kitchen 2021" just finished the meat pies!

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