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Writer's pictureClaire

Medical pollavas & updates

Updated: Mar 30, 2020

On 29th January I got an appointment with ENT in Laramie. The pain was getting worse and is constant 24-7. It's not going away. And I'm exhausted from it all now. First appointment was initial first patient consult and discussing the history of this ailment - September 2019 to present day. from yet another sinus infection to aftermath and complications from that

I was given 2 procedures this day - both probes, up, down and around my nose, sinus areas and pockets and throat . next day was bloody hell Baldrick - ouch. i got the results a few days later

( I videoed the scan video for you - see below)


1. Mild nonobstructive paranasal sinus disease involving the right maxillary sinus.

2. Nasal septal deviation

3. Moderately sized bilateral concha bullosa without inflammatory change.

The deviation I have had since 17 when I fell off horse (Sandeman - from my first job in South Brewham, Somerset. Live in Nanny - he was mine to ride) he then pranced about and his hoof ended up in my face. That nostril has been closed ever since. no biggie - till now

(Me with Sandeman outside the house where I worked in South Brewham . Whenever I had time off from Nannying, I was with him!)

(Links added if you want more details)

The Concha Bullosa happens when one of the conchae, or turbinates, inside your nose becomes filled with a pocket of air. This is also known as pneumatization of the turbinate.

There are three pairs of conchae in your nose on either side of the septum. Your septum is the structure that divides your nose in half. I will be needing 2 surgeries, done concurrently Septoplasty (adjusting the deviation) and Turbinoplasty ( removing the concha bullosa and repairing areas of the nose that are effected - oh yay me!

On 3rd March I see the ENT surgeon in Laramie for a consult! Needless to say from Feb 7th to this date I wasn't impressed, another month of going thru more pain and strong pain meds. So we got in touch with my Doc and she referred me to ENT in FoCo. The surgeon sees me on Feb 27th. Basically now it's whoever can fix me first, gets the job!

So since the results I have been self medicating to give the pain and pressure some relief . Their strength is wearing off now so my skull is constantly pounding or throbbing . I'm still trying to keep ranch / baking routine going as much as I can (photos added in In The Kitchen 2020) . Sleep was improving, up to 6hrs block with aid of Gabapentin pill but now if I lay down for long periods, getting vertical is overwhelming pain. For the past few days I have been sleeping upright on sofa with head supported so I don't slip down to horizontal .

Really hope that this will be done by next week - albeit I will have bandage head, swelling and bruising to get through afterwards

I'll update this blog with updates on this

Video of the video :p

In other news!

Alan's company merger is final today - 3 companies into 1 . It's been a very busy and stressful time for him getting this to where it is now. plus he will be VP for the USA for this new company too ! So a very busy time for him now and even work for Jay aswell and he will more likely be based up in Idaho at the office there as a tech - yay! Details on the merge here :: OTIS News Release Weather is still winter here in Wyoming- it will be till May/June. Some warm days inbetween the freezing fog, snow, blizzards and snow dumps. Most weekends ow we are outside deadfall collecting, in the areas that we can get to - huge snow drifts everywhere , then bring in them back and chopping, chainsawing and stacking! (Jay is normally here for this as I am not exactly much help with the big stuff, so i'm the stacker!) For the first time in 5 years my nails have started to grow. I've been wearing false nails for years and just recently they are showing signs of returning to my mega strong talons.. fingers crossed. My Insulin Resistance causes them to peel length wise getting weaker and weaker till there is nothing left of them at all. So hopefully they will stay with me for a while ! :)

Taking the false ones off - had to treat then paint them! So happy they're coming back

That's it for now .. currently in the middle of a blizzard and I'll be sitting by the stove, reading, vinyls and doing a KMM Roast Beef dinner for Alan and I today :) (wonder if I can get him to make Yorkshire puddings too

UPDATE :: 28th Feb

I saw the surgeon in FoCo yesterday and totally blindsided. i do not need surgery on any item found on the CT scan. The concha I was born with and if its a case of if it's not broken don't fix it. Same with the deviation. Even though it was an injury it has not caused a problem, no pain, obstruction, no spurs or hazard to airway , so no need to touch it as its 35+ years old. So. His recommendation - neurology - possible Spinal Fluid imbalance, something behind the nose causing pressure and pain. could be anything as my sinuses, nose are all fine and no cause for alarm on any standpoint . it gets worse when i stand up from laying for long periods aswell He was confused to why the first surgeon insisted on consulting prior to a surgery when none are needed at all it is NOT my sinuses, concha bullosa or deviation causing this ALWAYS GET A SECOND OPINION! Cancelled the appointment with Laramie ENT. (Cant believe they were going to give me two nose surgeries) Called Dr G and asked her to find a neurologist

Stayed tuned!

2nd March - I have an appointment with Neurologist Dr Allen in FoCo on Thursday (5th)


5th March


Back from FoCo - Dr Allen is 95% certain i have Trigeminal Neuralgia - I have  TN2 . I will be having 2 Brain MRI's ( with and without contrast)  on 19th March at 1pm and straight away go upstairs and see Dr Allen to go through the results of it  He checked me for signs of MS (as this can cause TN as well as a tumor - hence the MRI's and also because my 2 facial injuries - horse kick and car accident whiplash  - smashing forehead and back of neck between drivers headrest and back parcel shelf, and maybe my Superior Cerebellar Artery could be pressing against my nerve eroding the protective sheath on the nerve causing TN .. confused yet lol So.. we are 95% of the way to a full diagnosis but symptoms and description of the pain and location its TN2 . just need to rule MS and tumors and confirm the artery damage and trapped nerve - Dr Allen is starting me on a course of steroids and also for life I will be on a anti seizure medication for TN2 and i'll be able to stop the opiates

30th March


On Thursday 26th, I had two MRI's - one with contrast , sadly had to keep my Daiths in as all tattoo/piercing places were closed down due to the virus - as soon as i got dressed it was straight upstairs and an appointment with my Neurologist . We waited for the images to arrive on his computer but they didn't arrive in time, just the written report.. and amazingly Alan was right, it was the SCA - the superior Cerebellar Artery is hooked over the Trigeminal Neuralgia Nerve and is abutting both sides of it (which is causing the 24-7 pain across my face) we've amended the meds again - first I was on pills, we asked to change the format to suspension to ease my liver with more pills going thru my system. then found out that the manufacturer isn't distributing due to the main ingredient being made in China - WTH. So now I have a chewable pills - we've doubled the dose and 3 times a day as it's peaks and troughs , it wont go steady state yet . I'll give it a few more days an keep the Neuro updated There is a permanent solution and that is to have the nerve lasered - that will numb everything in my face etc. so I'll probably give it a year and if it hasn't reversed itself or I'm cheesed off with pills all the time then I'll do that

Plus dentist to make a mouth-guard to stop me grinding and clenching (not helping the TN2 state at all) , makes it very painful when I wake up, luckily Caroline relaxed all those nerves for me the day after the MRI (Alan gave me his appointment with her before she stopped her business due to the virus! ugh. so awaiting call from the dentist for that to arrive I also ordered new frames , haven't been able to wear glasses since September so eye sight is degrading) so more Edna Mode style :) So now it's wait for everyone to open for actually deal/help patients - so yay go me I have something else - if anyone hears of any body transplants let me know or even cybernetic organism transplants - please let me know - I'm game!

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1 Comment

Ron Kelly
Ron Kelly
Feb 24, 2020

Good luck with your ENT surgeon on Thursday including a quick hospital appointment. Dadx

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