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Writer's pictureClaire

Updates 6/8/2020

Hey guys. Well lots been going on for Alan and I. He returned home on the 23rd for a break and also because I had some medical appointments to go to and couldn't take the dogs with me- as we're hitting 80f now . On the 3rd June we have a conference call with my Neuro as I've decided to get the radio frequency Ablation procedure asap - I see that surgeon on June 16th in Denver

As I miss sleeping laying down, sick and tired of the medication that only works , kind of, paying a fortune for said medication and now the TN flares up badly with my pressure migraines - which are roughly every afternoon . I'm done with it now and time to get rid one diagnosis that I can actually erase

Last week was more relax and give Alan time to get back to the ranch clock and not the work clock , albeit he is still working flat out thru the week

The weekend was really busy. Saturday we literally blitzed the kitchen/dining/lounge area (its all open) as this year the whole area we have got a huge mouse infestation . inside and outside the house. Nightly Alan goes out and shoots as many as he can, then indoors we have 4 traps , including inside cutlery/utensil drawers. Friday night, whilst I was sleeping, a mouse ran over my legs! WTF!

Alan had got some foam to fill in every single hole we could find, mainly around the baseboard heater pipes. I emptied every drawer, cleaned, bleached and sorted those out . All is now sealed . He also sealed all the holes outside the house and around the foundations . this week he will go down into the crawl space and do the same On Sunday it was a big project . Bouldery and the railroad ties ! I wanted an extra layer to make them all higher (by kitchen window, the back / step area and around the sign, to make it harder for the critters from eating everything I plant - which has been quite extreme this year)


BUT .. the kitchen window bouldery has had a complete make over in the end and the other parts can wait till next time he is home! literally, it was rebuilt, as the wood ties there were all leaning and being pushed out. So in the words of the 80's song by Orange Juice - Rip it up an start again !


Alan was a total He-Man . Carrying the

ties, cutting them to size , rebars / long bolts - I did what I could throughout the day - We started at 10am and finished at 7.30 . absolutely shattering , I'm not surprised that Alan's arms didn't fall off. What a star. It looks amazing (more pics on the "Bouldery 2020" page

Alan is off again next Monday so guesses what Claire is also doing this week!

It's Monday and I've just 16 Beef and vegetable pies with gravy. and with the leftovers I made Alan a mega pastie for lunch (as he was hovering, asking if i needed help - which is more of a ploy to distract me so he got steal one!) I also made another batch of pastry and berry mix filing - on Wednesday I will make 16 Berry pies . Thursday I'll be making a big batch of Chili and a batch of beef burgers too (as tomorrow I pick up our half a cow and next week we have a whole cow - all for ground beef!!! mainly for the puppies food! Then Saturday or Sunday I will make another cookie slab ! These pics will be on the "In The Kitchen 2020" page - busy kitchen week coming up!!!

On saturday our friend Paddington aka Sergio - came up for the afternoon - he bought me a new cartridge for the Rega and a new upgraded pre amp too - so spoilt - so i made homemade rolls, burgers & donuts! 8th June - Alan has returned to work and will come back for a few days next week so i can go see the neurosurgeon in Denver just about to upload photos , edit and put them up and also another video - its ummm... snowing with a lightening / thunderstorm - hope it goes by 2moro afternoon as the farrier is coming out to trim hooves! (none are shod)

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