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Writer's pictureClaire

What! March already!

Wow where has this year gone already - my bad ! Well what a start to the year it's been, not a dull moment and non stop Snow - Animals - medical and alot of coffee & codeine Snow has been constant since Xmas and a few arctic systems blow thru. Utterly wonderful. 3 months late but so good to have all the snow and freezing ground. Still a few more months of winter left and awaited spring / birthday snowdumps too. Should be a green ranch in the summer and the horses will have grass to munch on On one arctic morning I did capture a rare phenomenon on the ranch - a double snow dog. Utterly breathtaking and also we had another rarity of strong winds making hundreds of giant snow balls all over the ranch too .. or my killer snowman army building themselves !

At the beginning of the year Oscar had a major surgery and alot of fat masses removed from his chest/ribcage and armpit . he's alot more mobile now but the masses still grow but now he's more active and happier. altho the month of wearing his supersuit was a challenge and constantly licking the tape from bandages and pulling out stitches when he could et to them. The day I took Oscar in for that, I bought Mac home. She went down hill suddenly just before xmas eve of renal failure - i only took her in for teeth clean and extractions but the blood test showed alot more going on and she went down fast , I was still in town and rushed back up to the vets and we made the decision to let her go , she was 14 and I knew she wouldnt be able to fight it anymore and let her sleep. I held her throughout . Utterly devastating and traumatic . So she was cremated and next to Muppet's ashes now

Ive been busy most days with either corral cleanups, snow removal on the track and home decor and rearranging EVERYTHING .. because of the new arrival and resident cyclone ... JakJak I adopted / rescued him 3 weeks ago and he is brilliant - a looney too . Altho he adopted and chose me. Dread to think what he would be like with 4 legs, he's totally manic with 3!

So we've had to remove certain plants from the lounge/dining areas - as first night here he ate one of the leaves and I had to rush him to vets for puking and charcoal . So all dangerous plants are now in the herbarium (aka guest room) and that door is shut all the time and the remaining plants are now on 3ft metal stands. He definitely has separation anxiety aswell (like Barney) wherever I go, he goes. Always on the wrong side of the door . walk slowly, check between your feet - he's there, no matter where he was beforehand, he materializes instantly and he's a cuddlebug too!

So it's not him adapting to having a new home - it's reversed - modifying the house as if there was a toddler here! He's awesome and talks too and strangely looks right at you too

Ok thats the Mommy's Lil Monster part of the year It's been a real tough year for Jay so far. End of last year he was suffering from a work injury resulting in alot of problems with his back / hip / thigh and December was light duties only at work . Over the past few weeks it was MRI's / specialists / chiropractor and pt sessions.. results are 2 bulging discs L3 and L4 and congenital narrowing of the spinal canal . He has his first cortisone injection on March 18 to see what happens .. Then 2 days ago he was told he was being let go from work on Mar 17! On top of this the Avalanche is in need of major work and repairs too In April / May Jay will be working for Rockhead and kind of under our wing as it were. So we have some time to sort out the Av but more importantly his back and headology Okay - my health update. Apart from loosing alot of weight since going gluten free (168lbs to 124lbs and now a steady 130lbs) it was time to address the facepain again. We decided to go back to the beginning and back to Neuro #1 At the first consult I caught him up on the saga since he last saw me in 2020 and the nightmare leading up to and ending with the Mayo Clinic. During the consult we discussed the spinal fluid pressure / pain transference and ideas of testing the fluid pressure and the pain relief the last one gave me .. was it placebo or real ..

So last week (Mar 1) I had another spinal tap and removal of 30cc of fluid, the pressure of the fluid was normal , even with me having bradycardia , pressure headaches and not being able to be horizontal at all , it read ok. i did get some pain relief initially too , even in laying down fetal position. After 2-3hrs my pain levels rose. It wasn't the cause of my facepain .. back to square one for the next consult

Alan has been non stop flat out with the new company he's working for - Okapi (Oz company working in Uranium) aswell a few other clients - Wyoming project and CA aswell

Sadly he missed the January Annual Canadian roundup - he had to have a PCR test to enter Canada .. results came back positive! wth .. probably remnants of the booster shots we had but he missed on alot alot of meetings and contacts and wasn't even ill! He's done a few trips out to projects - kind of - they're all covered in snow at the moment and last week he was away for a week in Colorado and Utah as one of the managers from Okapi came over.

The next trip is to Toronto on 21st for a few days then on 30/31 March is a Geo Conference in Las Vegas (which has been on the cards since January and I was going to go if Jay wasn't working or could take time off etc but unikely diue to him taking time off for medical appointments)

So of course 2 days ago he was given the news of being laid off .. and Claire's going to Vegas 4th time and at my favorite hotel too . Arrangements were already made for Alan and Andrew (Okapi) to stay at the Venetian and because Jay said he would ranch / puppy sit now - Its now the fantabulous .. well you know what hotel right ! Bellagio woohoo - so bloody excited!

Especially as Fort Collins Airport is now running the short flights again to Vegas .. $50 return each) but they only fly Mondays and Fridays.. So Monday we drive down to FoCo, leave Jeep there - (Jay will have use of Big Red for emergencies) and return Friday afternoon I will be left to my own devices Wednesday and Thursday and maybe evenings too depending if I want to be part of the business dinners! But I will have my fountains - an empty Amex card and with a dozen vinyl stores, clothes shops and Vegas shows - I will be quite content , then down to buffet, load up on fresh fruit, coffees and whatnot I can plonk in front of window and watch my fountains ! Sadly Phantom isn't showing anymore but I'll def go and see the Cirque de Soleil Love show again (Beatles) everything else seems rather meh for me really if you click the Show link you can see what's on! But yay 4th time to Vegas - 3rd time at the Bellagio and a mini vacay!

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