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All videos are fed from my YouTube channel

or my FB  Muppet Trail Ranch Page

Introducing Mr & Mrs Squirrel



Beastie has a new favorite movie! This is her third day here with me and third view! She loves singing Magic Dance and she loves Ludo


Then the Chinooks went across the bottom of the ranch !


2nd pair of Chinooks went over the ranch. Very low. First pair I missed to record, then heard the 2nd pair but louder and lower & grabbed phone and they went right over the front pasture ! WOW

Beastie was asleep so she didn't hear them or me!


This had been brewing all week. Daily dry storms and zero wet stuff, which the ranch desperately needs Even Barney came out of hiding in the closet


A bit of madness for you - this is every day, especiall before and after a storm, sunrise and sunset. It chaos and so noisy too. Never seen as many as this before, plus the Broadtails have stayed when the Rufous showed up too and are sharing feeders - well, when the male Rufous decides! We now have 4 feeders on the deck - al are like this and that's not including the ones in the bouldery around the flowers!


Adult Tanager flying up to the suet block, getting a piece and then feeding it to the other.

Excuse Vinyl playing in background but had to get this quick (Tenpole Tudor)


A bit of a change for tonights hummingbird feeding frenzy - like its their last meal kind of mania - as we had rain, then hail and now snow with huge thunder and lightening storm right overhead (this was followed instantly by another one!)


The past couple of nights there has been a frenzy on the feeders. no clue how many there are , as they wont stay still long enough for us to count. It's absolutely amazing to watch these guys


This morning on the ranch!
We had storms y'day and thru the night more Tstorms and it pissed down and stopped about 7am .. so out I went to do the horses and as I couldn't ride today (too slippery in the arena and my guys are not shod) I thought I would drag it instead
Then the fog and drizzle arrived. So as I had got into the arena Dakota had a funny 5 and then Champ did.. crazy boy !

2nd May '20

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